The Council Welcomes Investigative Journalist Vicky Richter of USA Report - Episode 319

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As the internet spins it’s most salacious wheels about Grindr dates and sloppy second hand info from an alleged CIA contracting officer, speculation about methods and sources on January 6th and beyond are once again at the forefront of American conversation.

God Bless. We’re really swinging for the stars.

Questions about ANTIFA, Ukrainian Neo-Nazis, and covert ops in Moscow are a fixture in the endless sh*t mix of understanding, while the North Atlantic Treaty Organization continues to create new and exciting excuses for the wholesale extermination of anyone who’s willing to use American munitions against Russia. But nobody wants to verify that.

Thankfully, we have an opportunity to gather intelligence and analysis from a distinguished German SpecOps, PsyOps Veteran who fled Covid tyranny and Antifa death threats in The Fatherland, only to be lambasted by MAGA cult members in America for asking questions about Trump’s wonderful vaccine.

It remains to be seen if our Bavarian friend will be whisked away on a flight to the Netherlands, but even if that happens the primary action item remains clear.

Dig. Deeper.

The Council moves at warp speed to extend a warm American welcome to Investigative Journalist Vicky RIchter on April 11, 2024

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