Rhode Should have a State Holiday for voting

11 months ago

The pandemic is over. There is no longer an excuse to have a widespread use of mail in ballots. They are most unsecure and easily corrupted method of voting. In Rhode Island Voter IDs are not required. And voter registration can be easily manipulated to facilitate the registration of phantom voters. To coin a phrase from the folks on the left, "They are a threat to democracy."

So, let's go back to the good old days, 5 years ago, before the pandemic gave Democrats an excuse to make mail in ballots a central part of their campaign strategy.

Let's make Election Day, once every 2 years, a state holiday. And everyone except those who have medical or physical restraints, will come to vote in person with their voter id. Candidates will be able to talk to voters about their ideas for making RI a better place to live and work up to the last day and our voters will be better informed.

Why are Democrats against something that everyone wants? A day off to go at leisure to the polls to vote for the people who will best represent them.

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