A collection of burial objects found in tomb of 3000-year-old Noblewoman in China

4 months ago

In Shanxi Province, North China, archaeologists have uncovered a tomb dating back approximately 3,000 years belonging to a noblewoman.

Known as tomb M1033, it was discovered in the Dahekou cemetery of Yicheng County.

Since 2007, excavations at the Dahekou Cemetery of the Western Zhou Dynasty have revealed over 600 burials and 20 chariot-and-horse pits.

This discovery has been particularly significant as it sheds light on the existence of the previously undocumented Ba state during the Western Zhou period.

Bronze inscriptions found in the cemetery indicate the state clan name as Ba 霸, with Ba Bo (the Earl of Ba) as the paramount ruler.

The announcement was made by the Shanxi Institute of Cultural Relics and Archeology. The tomb contains the remains of a sacrificed animal in the center pit and belongs to a medium-sized structure, Arkeonews has reported.

READ MORE: https://arkeonews.net/a-collection-of-430-burial-objects-found-in-the-tomb-of-a-3000-year-old-noblewoman-in-china/#google_vignette

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