US & Japan Strengthen Ties; EU Migration Overhaul | Top Stories | April 10, 2024

2 months ago

Catch up on the Top Stories of the day.

0:00 US and Japan announce new military agreements aimed at countering China
- Joe Biden and Fumio Kishida, the Japanese prime minister, have announced a new era of military cooperation during the pomp and pageantry of a White House state visit aimed at countering China. The US president said the two nations’ forces will cooperate on a joint command structure and, along with Australia, develop a new air missile defence network. The move appears aimed at making US and Japanese forces more nimble in the event of a crisis such as a Chinese invasion of Taiwan.

0:34 EU approves major overhaul of migration rules
⁃ After years of negotiations, the European Parliament has approved a major reform tightening the EU's migration and asylum rules. The EU Asylum and Migration Pact has been in the works since 2015. It will come into force in two years' time. It is designed to speed up the asylum process and boost the return of irregular migrants to home countries. It will also require EU member states to share responsibility for asylum seekers.

1:02 Three sons of Hamas leader Haniyeh killed in Israeli airstrike
- Hamas's political leader Ismail Haniyeh has confirmed that three of his sons and four of his grandchildren have been killed in an Israeli air strike in Gaza. They were targeted while travelling in a car at Al-Shati camp near Gaza City. It's reported that they were on their way to a family celebration to mark the first day of the Muslim holiday of Eid. Mr Haniyeh condemned what he called "the treacherous and cowardly strike" but said the attack would not affect his search for a peace deal.

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