Will America break apart?

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5 months ago

Will America break apart?
By Terry A. Hurlbut
America is now watching – and taking sides in – the most savage federal election campaign in its history. Active interstate and international secession movements have added complications that one or both sides are – for now – ignoring. But ideology, far more than geography or even economics, drives the forces that could tear America apart. The American political left has embraced dangerous authoritarian – even totalitarian – tendencies. And they, to paraphrase a noted World War Two era novelist, are “juggling dynamite and giggling happily.” Have they no thought for the explosion they might trigger at any moment? Or do they want the explosion, in supreme confidence of a total Leninite/Trotskyite victory? And if they do, should the right take them seriously?
Trump carefully assigns the two sides
By now the ideologies of the two sides of “Campaign 2024” have sorted themselves out. President Donald J. Trump dropped in the last puzzle piece, by announcing that he would not seek a nationwide ban of, or restriction on, abortion. That issue, he said, he would leave to each State to decide for itself. Justice Brett Kavanaugh of the U.S. Supreme Court would heartily approve. In his concurrence in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, he specifically said:
The Constitution does not grant the nine unelected Members of this Court the unilateral authority to rewrite the Constitution to create new rights and liberties based on our own moral or policy views.
When Trump did that, he deprived “Resident” Biden of a campaign issue his handlers were itching to exploit. This video analysis gives greater detail.
This influencer’s theory predicts that the abortion issue will be of no moment in the Election of 2024. Or at least, it will have no national import. “Team Biden” now finds itself saying, “See how Donald Trump has permitted misogynists to deprive women of their reproductive rights in several States!” Lay aside the rank hypocrisy, coming from the same team that would permit biological men to play women’s sports. “Abortion tourism” by now has raised abortion rates nationwide to pre-Dobbs levels. Women inclined to promiscuity and cold-hearted sex addiction will avail themselves of this – and women having more sense, will not.
More to the point, what is now the left’s case? “We must not permit any State to abridge the right of women to kill their unborn children!” (Excuse me: “control their own bodies,” forgetting, as usual, the Third Body.) In “red States,” that won’t fly.
Gun control
So Trump took the abortion issue “off the table” for his election, and those of like-minded candidates for Congress. But that issue remains “on the table” as regards the kind of America each side wishes to build. Indeed it is one of several that separate the freedom- and life-loving right from the totalitarian – and death cultish – left.
Gun control is another such issue. Recently a “haole” (i.e., white) resident of Hawaii has the bad sense to defy Hawaiian law regarding his right to keep and bear arms. No doubt his lawyers hoped to abolish Hawaiian gun control law with a single citation: New York Stat Rifle and Pistol Association v. Bruen.
Not so wiki-wiki, said the Hawaiian Supreme Court. That case, they said, has no applicability under Hawaiian law. The Court cited a “Spirit of Aloha” that simply does not permit people to walk about, armed with deadly weapons. They even cited a television script to negate the central holding in Bruen: that the Constitution, or at least any specific part thereof, means what the original or added words meant at the time of their writing or adding. Again, not so wiki-wiki. “The thing about the old days, they [are] the old days,” the Court said, quoting the HBO television drama The Wire.
Now maybe enough Hawaiians would be content to revive their monarchy and secede. But California wants to extend draconian gun control nationwide. Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-Calif.) even filed an Article V Convention application seeking that end.
America – land of the free, or the collective?
These are only two of the biggest issues that have created a breaking point in America.
In America today, the right stands for the right of individuals to go about their business, without interference. In short they stand for the “right to be left alone.”
Laissez faire et laissez passer; le monde va de lui-même.
The left claims one ground to dispute that – again, regarding the death cult of abortion. That they stand for the interests of irresponsible men who casually impregnate women and then tell them to “take care of the problem,” is too rich an irony for them to grasp. But let’s not forget that Planned Parenthood began as a eugenicist movement literally “conning” women of color to (from founder Margaret Sanger’s point of view) avoid “polluting the gene pool” with their progeny.
But now such “confidence tricks” are beginning to lose their effectiveness. So the left wants to use force. As Gov. Newsom shows, outlawing guns in any particular State is not enough. They seek to outlaw guns everywhere. That includes worldwide; witness the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty.
Weaponized illegal immigration
The Biden administration is also bringing in mendicant migrants, in violation of every existent law on immigration. They’re not merely letting them in through a porous border; they’re flying them in. And they are flying them into “red States,” hoping to “flip” them. That could explain why Gov. Greg Abbott (R-Texas) started busing – then flying – these migrants to certain cities whose mayors had declared them “sanctuaries.” Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) has been doing the same thing. He achieved a hilarious height of absurdity by sending several busloads to Martha’s Vineyard.
But lately Gov. Abbott decided to do more than send migrants to mayors who foolishly expressed misguided “solidarity” with them. He wants to send them back the way they came, or stop them from coming to begin with. (Or both, if he can.) That has gotten him in Dutch with the federal courts. In response, he has started to behave like a President of the Republic of Texas in all but name. He has erected physical barriers to immigration and sought power to arrest people merely for crossing into Texas from Mexico. (Any State or local police may arrest anyone, regardless of status, who commits criminal acts in addition to unlawful presence.) And besides all that, Gov. Abbott is negotiating not-quite-treaties on international trade with foreign governments.
Is he preparing to campaign actively for Texas secession? Dan Miller, head of the Texas Nationalist Movement, thinks he might be.
Or is Mr. Miller “nudging” Gov. Abbot?
America near the breaking point
Nudging or not, Mr. Miller says two things no American can ignore any longer. First, Texas is closer than ever to setting secession in motion.
All it would take, according to Miller, would be one major provocation. Type One: Biden wins the Election of 2024. Even if by some dark chant Biden defies his current dire polling, as well as the Law of Averages (that perennial unmasker of gambling cheats, fraudsters, and designers of biased experiments), that could mean only that a majority of the American people no longer wanted to live in a Constitutional republic. Biden stands squarely on the side of the authoritarians and totalitarians. Those who call Donald Trump authoritarian, are merely complaining that he would assert his authority to protect individual rights. And rights are not the same as the allowances that socialism and communism promises (but often doesn’t deliver). In contrast, Biden agrees with the regime of abortion on demand (or infanticide after a probationary period!). Plus disarmament of the civilian population.
Type Two: the Supreme Court rules that no State shall do anything about immigration, even if the federal government refuses. Or as a corollary, Biden tries to “federalize” the Texas Army and Air National Guards. Do that, Miller warns the feds, and you will see the ranks of TNM swell to an unimaginable extent. And then Gov. Abbott will wake up to a sea of pickets around his mansion, demanding a special session. And he will call it.
Other States thinking of breaking away
Now if the only question were what would Texas do, several influencers have already said Texas would lose. Texas, they say, could never win a war against the full might of the United States military forces.
But would Texas face the full might of the United States military and the National Guards of 49 States? No. For one thing, Alaska and Hawaii would be too far away to count. For another, eight States are themselves working on State and local illegal immigrant arrest-power laws.
Which brings us to the second thing Dan Miller has said lately. More than twenty States have significant support for the idea of their own State seceding from the Union.
In fact Alaska tops the list with 36 percent support. Interestingly, Miller believes in Tipping Point Theory, which predicts that, once an idea has ten percent die-hard adherence in any population, adoption of that idea becomes inevitable. Maybe not immediate, nor even imminent – but inevitable.
I’ve mentioned several secession movements before, and Mr. Miller names a few more:
• Alaska Independence Party
• Greater Idaho
• State of Jefferson (that is, southern Oregon, northern California, and southwestern Idaho)
• “Calexit.”
• New California (an entirely different movement, with different goals and ideology.)
• A “Greater West Virginia.”
And, of course, the Texas Nationalist Movement.
Different motives
Different States would have different motives. Some would want to protect leftist values. Hawaii is an obvious candidate. In fact, the late “Queen Lil” has two surviving relatives, each of whom might be ready to reclaim the title of King of Hawaii. (One of those two gentlemen might or might not have been the subject of a fictional drama involving a greedy heir, a crooked real-estate developer, the ancient Hawaiian pantheon, and Hawaii’s favorite fictional chief-of-detectives, Jack Lord as Stephen P. McGarrett. See Hawaii Five-O (1968), Season One, Episode Twenty-five, “The Big Kahuna,” aired March 19, 1969.) Failing that, at least two U.S. Senators seem to have made bids for the honor: Danial Akaka and Maisie Hirono.
Chin Ho Kelly (Kam Fong): Sounds as though you’re nine-tenths Hawaiian and one-tenth cop, eh?
Kono (Zulu): You bet, brother! My great grandfather carried a spear for his great grandfather.
Besides that, the “Calexit” movement began shortly after the election of Donald Trump in 2016. Its motive can only be to protect “California values” from federal judicial invalidation. On the other hand, Greater Idaho, New California, the “State of Jefferson,” and TNM are all conservative movements.
Alaska is a special case. Dan Miller did not touch on this, raising the question of whether he even knows about it. But Members of the Russian Duma, and even Vladimir Putin himself, have all expressed interest in reclaiming Alaska. So if a “Texit War” does break out, expect Russian intervention.
National divorce – or one way for America not to go to war with itself
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) has, of course, proposed an alternative to mutual secession and a permanent American break-up. She called it a national divorce.
This entails:
• Elimination of all but a handful of Cabinet departments. The best candidates for the Departments with staying power are State, Treasury, Defense and Justice. The State Department would take over the Bureau of the Census. And:
• A severe redefinition of the “privileges and immunities of citizens of the United States.” This goes beyond assuring that “abortion tourist traps” could retain that status, if they so desire. It means that no longer could the Supreme Court intervene to protect the Bill of Rights in all States.
That means: New York State Rifle and Pistol Association v. Bruen – gone. Hawaii’s Supreme Court could indeed rule that no civilian may carry deadly weapons. But then, Gov. Newsom could never run for President on a platform of a Great Gathering of Firearms, either. “Reciprocity,” allowing people to transport their firearms through States in which they are not resident, would depend on interstate compacts. But such compacts would not require the consent of Congress, even absent “invasion” or “imminent danger.”
Carson v. Makin (ending anti-religious discrimination in government programs or operations) – gone. But Lemon v. Vitale and Lemon v. Kurtzman wouldn’t return, either.
Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s would remain – but the Court would not entertain a case arguing for federal protection of human life.
Or is it?
But even if lovers of liberty were willing to be part of any combined polity that did not respect life, liberty or property any better than this, the enemies of these concepts are not willing to be a part of any combined polity that allows any of its members to respect those things. The account “Based Boy Scout” summed it up most succinctly. Rep. Greene finished her thread thus:
Imagine if America decided to just go ahead and have a national divorce.
Hollywood elites and celebrities and all the brainwashed leftists women who watch the nasty women on the View, men who identify as women, and Democrat voters who suffer from the lifelong debilitating disease Trump Derangement Syndrome they caught from CNN wouldn’t have to see much less tolerate deplorables anymore.
They could live in their safe space blue states, own nothing, let their government decide and control everything, and most importantly protect their fragile minds from being shocked and insulted by those of us on the right who believe in life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Then Americans could choose which way, left or right, provides them with the best quality of life, and we don’t have to argue with one another anymore.
I am starting to feel like it’s the right thing to do for everyone.
And Based Boy Scout said in reply:
They don't want their own country because they want to rule over us in this one.
If they have to rule amongst themselves, the power structure changes extensively a lot of them end up at the bottom of it and they don't like that idea.
And that is the problem. The two sides cannot even agree to disagree. Imagine the scenario: a commercial airliner, or a chartered private plane (prop job or jet), makes an emergency landing. Except this aircraft, carrying a manifest of Texas gun enthusiasts, with their guns, must land in San Francisco. The Attorney General of California – or the District Attorney for San Francisco – arrests everyone on board, and confiscates the cargo. What rights do those hapless travelers have? None! Dan Miller, for one, would never accept that. And none could blame him.
But not only would Texas have allies in a secession scenario, but the U.S. military would be split, and hard-pressed. Under the circumstances, the administration might decide to let Texas go.
Nevertheless, liberty lovers should pray that Trump wins, and the Supreme Court does not blow up the Texas-Mexican border. Though if the Court does so act, a victorious Trump could reverse the bad effects. A “Texit Study Committee” might not even convene its first meeting. But if Biden wins…!
Link to:
Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s, from US Reports, vol. 597:

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