Joe Rogan Guest Exposes the Disturbing Truth About Gender Ideology

11 months ago

JOE ROGAN: “This willingness to monkey with the truth just to push a narrative. It’s so bizarre, and it’s so bizarre that it goes all the way down to gender experiments on children. That’s how far (we’ve fallen), which you would think would be the people that we would protect the most from bad decisions. The people that we protect the most, historically, children. Little kids. Little kids that are confused and may have insane parents that are trying to talk them into something, which is a real thing.”

BRENDAN O’NEILL: “Yeah. Little kids who have now been sacrificed at the altar of gender ideology. That’s what’s happening. This is child sacrifice in a modern form. That’s what’s happening. And their bodies are being used to prove an ideological point, which is this ideological point, that gender identity is innate. We’re born with it. You have it from birth. And in order to prove this hocus pocus idea, which has absolutely no basis in evidence or proof whatsoever, they have to experiment on children. They have to give them drugs. They have to start performing surgeries on them when they reach a certain age. They have to cut off their breasts if they’re a confused girl [or] castrate them if they’re a confused boy. And what you have here in this grotesque manipulation of children’s bodies is literally the sacrifice of children to an ideological crusade, the ideological crusade of gender ideology.”

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