'Oops!' MSNBC's Survey Of Undecided Voters Did Not Go The Way They Were Hoping

2 months ago

MSNBC this morning had on a group of voters who claim to be undecided heading into the 2024 election, and the segment focusing on Trump, Biden and the economy came on the same day this news dropped: Overall prices ⬆️ 19.4% under Biden. These are updated figures after today’s worse-than-expected inflation report: 🚨SINCE BIDEN TOOK OFFICE:

Gasoline: 47.8%
Groceries: +21.1%
Eating out: +21.4%
Baby food: +30.5%
Pet food: +23.7%
Rent: +20.9%
Electricity: +28.3%
Natural gas: +26.9%
Used cars: +20.9%
Air fare: +32.7%
Public transportation: +22.2%
Real average weekly earnings: -3.9%

Inflation has not fallen in a single month since Biden's term began (the closest was July 2022 when it was unchanged), which leaves overall prices up over 19% since Bodenomics was unleashed. And prices have never been higher. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GKz7gAiXcAA7nAt?format=jpg&name=medium -- Even MSNBC can no longer fully control how the train wreck that is the Biden presidency is spun. No matter how much the White House and lefty media try to spin how great "Bidenomics" has been for ordinary Americans, those people still go to the grocery store and gas station and can see for themselves. The result is awkward moments for Biden-friendly cable nets: “Raise your hand if you think President Trump's policies on the economy would be better for your family ✋” -- "So that's… everybody." And of course MSNBC hosts and panelists will consider that to be stunning because it runs counter to what they keep gaslighting about daily.

• More at: Twitchy - 'Oops!' MSNBC's Survey of Undecided Voters Did NOT Go the Way They Were Hoping

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