When to Setup a Series LLC | 2024

10 months ago

Many business owners choose to run multiple business operations under a single LLC. While it is true that having an LLC can protect you from certain liabilities, if you put too many business operations under one LLC, it can actually create a lot of financial risk.

This is because if all of your business operations are under one LLC, then liabilities from one operation can potentially spill over into another operation and put that operation at risk. Business owners can protect themselves from such liability catastrophes by using a “series LLC.”

In this video, tax expert Karlton Dennis fully explains series LLCs including what they are, how they work, and how to use them correctly to protect business operations from major financial risks. He also breaks down who should have them and which states allow them.


Taking the Next Step:
Download the Short-Term Rental Rule E-Book! ▶ https://ebook.taxalchemy.com

Book a Professional Tax Strategy Consultation ▶ https://msgsndr.com/l/UJizByOClF

Watch this FREE Webinar on how to Use Real Estate To Offset W2/1099 Taxes ▶ https://taxreduction.link/taxsaver

Get Help Setting up Your LLC, Now ▶ https://shareasale.com/r.cfm?b=617326&u=2911896&m=53954&urllink&afftrack

*Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor nor am I an attorney. This information is for entertainment purposes only. It is highly recommended that you speak with a tax professional or tax attorney before performing any of the strategies mentioned in this video. Thank you.

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