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E.J. Antoni On Latest CPI Data

11 months ago

E.J. Antoni On Latest CPI Data: Average Weekly Earnings Are Down 4% Amid Massive Inflation Since Joe Biden Took Office

Aired On: 4/10/2024


  • 0/2000
  • What Is This Worship of the NY Slimes? It's Filled With Commie Dem Morons. Commie Dem Yellen is A Complete Moron! She Is Not Smart!

  • Many of us are going to have to make choices between what we can and can’t buy anymore. I can imagine the sectors that are going to take a hit. I don’t think big tech is going to be a priority for people. That’s going to cause things to fall apart, because all human transactions are built on it now. Not to mention they won’t have time for it anymore. When you don’t have money, time becomes your most valuable transactional asset. Thing is, on top of inflation, they are cornering us in, basically making cheaper ways of life illegal. I said this today on another forum, 100s of millions of people are going to starve and freeze to death because of their ideology, ensuing policy, and lust for power.

  • Inflation equals rate-of-change, never does it equal prices going down!

  • This Has to be Pushed to the MAX! The Pubs Need To Make This Well Known! Will They?

  • Funny that the Biden crew coined Bidenomics and now they don't want anyone using the term.

  • Inflation is how we measure the lie that's inherent in fiat currency. It's also how we measure how that lie is told by the politicians whose insane decisions drive inflation, and the central bank governors who enable their madness.

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