Presentation: Transition to a New Global Order, Dr Jacob Nordangard

10 months ago

Jacob Nordangard is a Swedish academic whose specialty is technology and social change. His PhD thesis was an in depth analysis of the European Union, and this research led to him exploring the globalist architecture that has established via the World Economic Forum, United Nations, various large private organisations such as Rockefeller Foundation, etc; and the influence these now have on governments, media, academia, humanitarian organisations, etc.

Nordangard understands who "the globalists" are, and what the globalist agenda is - basically a merging of government with corporations on a global scale. Individual citizens are the main commodity to be controlled via global crises requiring obedience to global solutions.

Hidden contracts made between nation states and vaccine companies since 2020 is an excellent example: a global health crisis required undeclared amounts of public money to be spent on novel medical products which would only work if everyone took the product that their government had purchased on their behalf. Those who refused were demonised as "selfish" and not acting for the "common good".

A pandemic industry is being built around this ideology via collaborations between the World Bank, World Health Organization and G20 which will allocate taxes to be channeled through the corporate world in the name of protecting citizens against an ongoing global health crisis. Read more here:

Similarly, climate change ideology sees governments setting laws to establish corporate power over citizens in regard to acting to reduce carbon emissions and other alleged pollutants which happens to ensure corporate profits. The only research receiving funding is that which confirms the belief that the planet's climate is changing due to human behaviours and not due to nature, and that oceans are boiling and rising. As with scientists and doctors speaking out about the Covid response, climate scientists who disagree with these claims and share evidence, face public smear campaigns coordinated by legacy media who sit within the globalist framework.

Gender ideology follows along similar lines, whereby the education system focuses on sexuality and gender from very early ages, and is moving towards a requirement to meet standards set by global institutions such as the World Health Organization. For example:

Medical professionals earn huge incomes by performing harmful interventions on children with body dysmorphia, at the same time as society is required to show special compassion towards transgender individuals. Money is required to be spent on demonstrating compliance with the ideology via rainbow flags and signs, proof of diversity-equity-inclusion policies, etc.

Global fascism involves ideologies of crisis requiring the merging of corporations to provide the solutions, with governments to set the laws ensuring those solutions are consumed by everyone.

Putting digital identification systems in place, linked to a central bank digital currency, will enforce the uptake of all solutions being provided, and minimise opposition. It is a coincidence that this is being planned at the same time as the fiat currency is due to collapse, which could threaten the power structures in place.

Only by controlling a fearful citizenry, can these structures remain. Only by understanding who these people are, what their intentions and strategies, can we all stop complying with nonsensical rules and regulations.

Dr Nordangard has written six books about the historical roots and development of the emerging global management system, including:
An Inconvenient Journey
Rockefeller: Controlling the game
The Global Coup d’Etat
The Digital World Brain.

He writes at


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