TPV-4.9.24-US States Sign WEF Treaty To Spray Chemtrails That Permanently Block the Sun-Ad Free!

2 months ago

I’m a fan of The People’s Voice. Here’s the latest episode without ads! Enjoy! ;-)
This episode description:
The World Economic Forum in Davos has ordered compliant US states to shoot aerosol into the atmosphere to block the sun to “fight climate change” – and as we have seen, when Klaus says jump, compromised global leaders ask how high.
That’s right, the elite have just revealed they are engaged in a secret geoengineering project involving chemtrails that has been kept quiet for decades because they were terrified that the public would rise up against them.
But what if I told you that there is an actual conspiracy here? And what if I told you the mainstream media are still trying to cover up the truth about who is really involved and what is really happening?

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