War Castles: Albert Pike & The Empire of the Three City States

10 months ago

Albert Pike envisioned a world dominated through three major world wars. This diabolical Luciferian plan of world domination will be executed by three major arms of the Illuminati, Power (Washington DC), Religion (Vatican City) and Greed (City of London). Join Us as we lay out the facts and answer the question: How is all of this a secret?


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CreeperStatus, @CreeperStatus, #Creeper-Status, Creeper, Status, documentary, documentaries, movie, movies, film, show, series, War Castles, Vatican City, Washington DC, City of London, World War, 1, 2, 3, Albert Pike, Jews, Freemasonry, Masons, United States, Rothschilds, Scottish Rite, Illuminati, WWI, WWII, WWIII, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Council of Foreign Relationship, CFR, oil, Civil War, Skull and Bones, Churchill, Lincoln, assassination, Cult of Satan, Lucifer, Protocols of Zion, JFK, Palestine,

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