Janet Yellen: I Hope to Maintain Economic and Trade Cooperation Between China and the US

2 months ago

04/08/2024 Janet Yellen interviewed by CNBC after visiting senior CCP officials: I think trade and investment between China and the United States is valuable. So I hope to maintain this relationship. But in areas where we have national security concerns, we stand ready to act to protect our national security, that may mean export controls or other interventions. I would not want to advise American firms don't do business in China.
04/08/2024 耶伦拜访完中共高管后接受CNBC采访:我认为中美之间的贸易和投资是有价值的,因此我希望维持这种关系。但在涉及国家安全的问题上,我们会毫不犹豫地采取行动来保护我们的国家安全,这也许意味着出口管制或其它干预措施。但我不会建议美国企业不要在中共国做生意。

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