Elizabeth Glass - has there been so much hatred directed at us Jews?

9 months ago

Elizabeth Glass - has there been so much hatred directed at us Jews?

She is right, the Nazis are connected to Zionism, the Nazis and Khazarian Jews are extremely satanic and bloodthirsty....people still today cannot understand that zionism is "Rabbinic Judaism" based on the teachings of the Pharisees by way of the Talmud, there's a lot of similarities between Zionism and hardline Islam, which is why the Kabba in Mecca represents Saturn and encircling muslims represent the rings of Saturn. What is left of the real Jews, they have been indoctrinated by the zionists and their media propaganda, the Talmud was replacing/manipulating the Torah. Israel was the Rothschild creation, Freemason Albert Pike was the guy who penned the three world wars, all of which were planned and orchestrated, WW3 was based on the third temple being built on Temple Mount and the installation of the anti-christ...and the start of the New World Order which was a Nazi/Zionist project. The Jesuits in the Vatican were extremely focussed on the eradication of Christianity, why do you think pedophilia and satanic ritual abuse was given a blind eye? Why do you think the Pope sits in the mouth of a serpent in the Paul VI Audience Hall that's modelled on a viper?

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