8 months ago

Tanya spent 25 years as a nurse and nursing care facility manager. After being forced into 3 Pfizer, Tanya was encouraged to participate in taking her own life using the Canadian program M.A.I.D. CANADA'S MEDICAL ASSISTANCE IN DYING PROGRAM

By May 2021, Tanya ran out of options to avoid three covid shots Canada required. Shot 1, May 4, 2021 Tanya entered the hospital 3 days later. Although she hesitated as long as she could, she decided to protect residents she oversaw within the many elder-care facilities she ran in Ottowa, Canada. After shot 1, immediate heart palpitations, diaphoretic with clammy skin and heavy sweating, tremors, blurred vision, pulled her car over to dial 911. As she entered the hospital, all tests showed she was having a heart attack due to the covid shot yet doctors sent her home instead of saving her life. The doctors ordered a D-dimer, which was not standard before covid shots and C-reactive protein, all tests showed she was indicating high levels of heart attack as well as pitting edema of her feet! Indications of heart attack were dismissed as “anxiety attack.” Doctors in Canada, and much of the world, used “anxiety” as an excuse out of fear, bec. it was too painful to admit to themselves they made a huge mistake after not only taking the shots themselves, also giving unproven shots to their own children and forcefully encouraging, ridiculing patients into take this new experimental injection!

June 12 Tanya had shot 2. Again, 3 days later Tawnya had a heart attack and AGAIN, doctors were unable to admit to her that she had another heart attack and again due to the Pfizer mystery juice injection.
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