China is the Bad Guy?

10 months ago

Mario Cavolo video: Three Countries Engage in Military Exercises in the South China Sea because China is the Bad Guy? US thieves yelling thieves! What's Really Going On? 三個國家在南海進行軍演,因為中國是壞人, 賊喊捉賊, 到底發生了什麼事?

I bet you probably dont know what the 1898 Treaty of Paris, 1900 Treaty of Washington and the 1930 U.S. Great Britain Treaty all say about the Scarborough Shoal NOT being part of the Philippines. 我敢打賭你可能不知道 1898 年《巴黎條約》、1900 年《華盛頓條約》和 1930 年《美國大不列顛條約》都說黃岩島不屬於菲律賓的一部分.

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