IF THE RAPTURE JUST HAPPENED Here's What You Need To Know - Jack Hibbs Time Capsule for the Left Behind

10 months ago

IF THE RAPTURE JUST HAPPENED Here's What You Need To Know - Jack Hibbs Time Capsule for the Left Behind


Mirrored copy of "The Rapture Just Happened: What You Need To Know" posted 21 March 2024 on the Real Life with Jack Hibbs channel on YouTube.
URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcJ4OCWZHTI

What if the Rapture just happened? What if you've been left behind? What should you expect in the coming months and years? What does the Bible say about this time period of the world? We hope that this episode encourages you to take inventory of your own life and make sure that you are born again and if you are, may this be a motivation to share the gospel with those who are not.

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