Music Bike Party 2024 with a NEW Eurodance Mix

2 months ago

First, we like to thank an amazing donor after our original bike was stolen in October 2023. That donation allowed us to setup a bike for use for this summer.

Despite that one-time donation, we are currently in poverty mode and we were not successful in our winter gig of hosting speed dating events.

For this reason, we must limit our adventures this year so we don't starve ourselves from excessive biking.

Last year we ran trips through the downtown core of Hamilton Ontario Canada as well as some trips to Van Wagners Beach and Brantford.

This year, we will only run a few trips to Brantford about once a month. from early summer until late fall.

Will we be alive next year? That's another story, but if we end up receiving donations, we will run more trips in the months and years to come as well as dish out more music.

If you wish to donate or learn more about our summer 2024 events, visit our website:

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