Tucker Carlson's Surprise Stand Up Comedy Performance!

8 months ago

I need Tucker had no idea this was going on until thirty seconds ago I love it He had no idea he was going on stage He's just finding out right now We were literally at dinner and he's like I want to show you my new place We're standing backstage and I didn't know I was coming out until I heard my name We call that the old Post Malone right there We've done this before We did the Post Malone the same thing Tucker welcome to the show Let's go front Let's go front Okay Luckily I'm sober Here this one's for you Put that one back in the stand Cool I love it Are all three of these working Maybe you should take this one and I'll take that one We're gonna get them pumping here We're gonna get them working Tucker welcome to the show Well thank you for having me This is an amazing amazing By the way that laugh is real He does it all the time We're gonna have fun tonight I'm gonna grab a Zen if you don't mind Yeah Hell yeah We love it Scoot on down guys all the way as far as you possibly can so we can get some of these fucking poor souls up here Tucker you know how this show works There's stand-up comedians over two hundred and thirty signed up for the chance to get sixty seconds on this stage tonight I'm an unemployed talk show host I'm not a stand-up comedian so no I have no idea how this works Well we're gonna watch them And I have a sense it won't go well No it's gonna be great but we're gonna watch them and then afterwards we give a little bit of input It's a little free speech version of America's Got Talent but it's just dirty stand-up comedy I can do that Hell yeah Tucker Carlson everybody Joe Rogan and Jim Norton This is Kill Tony We're gonna watch sixty seconds uninterrupted Ladies and gentlemen your next bucket pull goes by the name of Lino Rodriguez

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