Where Is The Moon Today ?

2 months ago

April 9th 2024 Reminder, Less Than 2 Weeks Ago i Filmed the Daytime Moon In my Downtown Detroit Videos. Here, https://rumble.com/v4m43v9-detroit-day-moon-pt-1.html
And Don't Say "Because it's A New Moon Dummy", Because you Who Would Repeat That Garbage Don't Even Know What That Means. You Can't Have It Both Ways. Even In The Heliocentric Model People Have Been Lied To About. The Distances And The Behavior Of Light Itself Demands Illumination Of Objects Regardless Of It Position In Contrast To Said Object. Behind It, Beside It, Across From It, Etc. It Illuminates And Shadows. The Only Way The Moon Could Be In The Sky At The Same Time As The Sun Without Being Seen, Is If It Was Behind The Sun. Yet That Is Impossi Ball On Your Heliocentric Garbage Model They Sold You. No, If The Moon Is In The Sky During The Day, No Matter What The Position Of The Sun Is, You Would See It. And You Don't.

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