US States Sign WEF Treaty To Spray Chemtrails That Permanently Block the Sun

29 days ago

The World Economic Forum in Davos has ordered compliant US states to shoot aerosol into the atmosphere to block the sun to “fight climate change” – and as we have seen, when Klaus says jump, compromised global leaders ask how high.

That’s right, the elite have just revealed they are engaged in a secret geoengineering project involving chemtrails that has been kept quiet for decades because they were terrified that the public would rise up against them.

But what if I told you that there is an actual conspiracy here? And what if I told you the mainstream media are still trying to cover up the truth about who is really involved and what is really happening?

CREDITS: The People's Voice
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Chemtrails, Cloud Seeding, Operation popeye, Project Cirrus, Weather Modification

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