Global Peril: Disease X and the WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM's Agenda

3 months ago

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The World Economic Forum has made no secret about its goal to reshape the globe in ways never before tested. From what we eat, how it is farmed and transported, to zero carbon emission efforts to combat climate change (and ultimately reducing the world's population to achieve these measures), we again find ourselves in the midst of a new pandemic. Predictably this "Disease X", as some are calling it, has reemerged as the H5N1 Avian flu. Although it has already been well documented as a low-level human
health threat under World Health Organization guidelines, suddenly that science seems to be changing. A 56% fatality rate among those who get the strain is being reported in the mainstream news while European health agencies are already ramping up surveillance to test and trace. Where have we heard this before? And with the future of America on the line in just a few months it will be interesting to see how our elected officials respond. Are you ready?
#jamesanthonyreport #climatechange #worldeconomicforum
Partial Transcript:
We are seven months away from deciding the future of the United States of America, Western Civilization, and perhaps the entire world as we know it. Already preparations are underway for the quiet launch of a new pandemic, Disease X as some call it, and with each passing day the headlines become more telling in terms
of what we are in for. In January of this year the Avian flu was detected in Alaska, in a polar bear that died. Also in January news reports that spilled into February cited multiple cases of H5N1 in Cambodia wherein two people died from the illness. In March we heard reports of the Avian flu killing South American wildlife,
a college age student in Vietnam, and reaching the mainland of Antarctica. And this month the CDC confirmed this flu in an individual in Texas (reported to be alive and is being treated) with the organization stating that the human health risk is still very low. And then another person in Texas was infected. And as of April 2nd, it's been found in New Mexico. And then Ohio... Now the White House claims to be monitoring the situation which experts say could be 100 times worse than the last pandemic.
A fatality rate of 56% is being reported by the World Health Organization and the Avian flu is now spreading via mammals. While the specimen collected from one of the patients was compared to the sequences in cattle and poultry and having been found to have changed, the changes still wouldn't be enough to infect mammals at this point. But already European health agencies are calling for solutions that involve monitoring the
population and medications are again already in the works. Now in terms of what we know from the last go 'round with lockdowns, masking, distancing, tracing, and the medical industry in general what is to be your approach? The only recorded cases up to this point have been in poultry workers but nearly 60 million commercial birds have been culled. This particular flu is known to have originated in China. But how much of this already well documented information will change in the months ahead? And how much of the World Economic Forum's Agenda that was stiff armed the last time will come to pass?
This is James Anthony Reporting.

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