Ferments with Impact: Designing Condition-Based Krauts | Webinar May 17, 2021

9 months ago

On Monday May 17, 2021 IHN hosted a 1 hour webinar with Kathrin Brunner and Andrew Hodge, where participants followed along, making “Dilly Kraut”. During the lesson, they took an in-depth look at the deeply therapeutic benefits of fermented foods. While fermentation has gained in popularity over the years, there are many misconceptions about how they impact our microbiomes and are used to improve health. Knowing which type of ferment, would benefit which type of condition, is essential to recommending them successfully in clinical practice. Moreover, store-bought commercial versions are often misleading and lack the health benefits of those that are traditionally made.

You Will Learn:
- How to safely ferment at home
- Trouble-shooting common concerns like mould, shelf-life and sourcing safe materials
- Which vegetables ferment well and which should be avoided
- How nutrients transform during fermentation to benefit digestion and immune health
- How kraut compares to a probiotic supplement - can one replace the other?
- An introduction to the broader areas of food fermentation (vinegar, miso, natto, kombucha) and which types of ferments benefit which conditions

Ingredients + Recipe for the Webinar's "Dilly Kraut"

Fermentation Foundations—Traditions and Trends

Kathrin Brunner, BA (Hons), CNP, RYT + Andrew Hodge

Kathrin is a Certified Nutritional Practitioner and faculty member at IHN where she teaches Nutrition and the Environment and the Psychology of Disease in IHN’s Diploma program. She teaches multiple levels of fermentation courses with IHN’s Continuing Education program. She has a background in counselling and psychology, is a certified yoga teacher and has studied sustainable agriculture and permaculture design. In partnership with Andrew Hodge, and for the last 15 years, she has been teaching a variety of hands-on workshops that focus on sustainable living, fermenting foods, making natural skin/body care products, as well as foraging and wildcrafting local herbs. Kathrin has extensively studied microbial ecosystems and their interaction with human health. Andrew has a background in environmental science as well as the restaurant industry and is a herbalist.

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