Rabbis, preachers, priests, & popes can't save us - they are what we need to be saved from Rev. 22:9

3 months ago

As a watchman for the 2nd coming of The Word of God, I can only guess the time is now that the Lord is again showing miraculous things to many Micah 7:15. If the Lord has miraculously removed the cobwebs from between your ears James 1:5. If you no longer think it is foolishness to claim that Christ has all authority 1 Cor. 2:14, and if you can understand that Satan is the man of sin, the 2nd horseman of the apocalypse ruling over the kingdoms of men by claiming to be God, lying to us, telling us that the ways of men are just as good, if not better than the ways of God 2 Thess. 2:3-4; Rev. 6:4, then the first 2 seals have been broken, by Satan's lies being revealed Rev. 6 marking the beginning of spiritual warfare between the pseudo-science of men and the simulation of time and science by Elohim and the transition between the kingdoms of men and the Kingdom of Heaven. Spiritual warfare is between the Word of God and the subjective truth and pseudo-science words of men! The two falls of man away from the ways of Elohim are about eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, or attending the school of hard knocks to learn that the moral standards, opinions, preaching, righteousness, judgments, religions, bible translations, and curriculum of men doesn't work, can't save us, can't bring peace, can't bring us sanity, can't bring us truth or agape love, it is the cause of all human suffering Job; James 5:7-11, it is kicking against the pricks and what we need to be saved from. 10:23.
Because men cannot compete, debate, or fight against God, the Lord has stepped back and allowed Satan to seal up the Word of God during the two great falls of men away from the ways of Elohim. He hid His face, power, glory, majesty, and Bible Ezek 39:25-29. But He is back for the second age of the Lord's Sabbath about 2 days marked by space weather after the earth was in darkness for three hours at Christ's crucifixion or about 2,000 years according to the rotation of the earth around the sun for men. Satan will rule for six days or six thousand years plus or minus and also divided into two ages 2 Pet. 3:8. Satan rules over the kingdoms of men by convincing us that Christ does not have all authority, and he will continue through the next 43 years plus or minus until the sun Nova makes a new heaven and a new earth Rev. 8. We will be able to see the great and notable day of the Lord approaching because the Nova comes just before the second age of the kingdom of heaven Heb. 10:25; John 12:30ff. The Nova will make a new heaven and earth for the righteous to dwell upon Matt. 5:5. Finally, man will be in the second and last age of every spiritual blessing in Christ, peace on earth, and agape love for all, for the last 700 years of Christianity in the Kingdom of Heaven. The ways of God are as high as the heavens above the ways of men, Isa. 55:8ff, exceeding abundantly greater than we can imagine Eph. 3:20.

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