How Do Smart Women Control Men? - MGTOW

11 months ago

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Miss Fat Cat and here's what she has to say: "Hello Sandman, Was this an attempted to corner me or something? I am unable to get mad at you because of how bad you are at this. When have I ever said I was married? It is not my fault when people make assumptions and I get tired of correcting every little thing. Besides I'm not suppose to make walls of text. Regardless of being married or not I'm still his. Much to my surprise we exchanged numbers after what I tought would be a one-nightstand with him. I was his date for bit and after I asked him what this was and he said we where girlfriend and boyfriend for about a month according to him. I asked because I don't like to make assumptions like that. I was his roommate in his apartment for less then a year. I was never on his lease. I liked it and ask him if he wanted to go look for house with me. After moving in with me, we became fiscal partners and did taxes together. All property taxes are mine to take care of because I own the house. He's a resident so by law this is what we have to do. Later I became his fiancée. Since the engagement was never broken, this is what I still am. I think you can go back to calling me Miss Fat Cat sins that is technically what I am, a Miss. Later I also became mother of his child. I have problems dealing with my emotions, My subconscious and conscious are often at odds and making it unable for me to do anything. I expect myself to behave as his fiancée and mother to his child. In addition, I am also the most territorial and possessive one in this relationship. Meaning that when I saw the prenup was unfair towards him I called it out and ended up in argument with my parents. I told my father not to expect me do anything he would not tolerate from his own wife. I cancelled the wedding. I got pregnant later and my parents willfully avoided the topic. I had hubby acknowledged as the father and in the very short time frame I had got joint 50/50 custody without needing a lawyer or pay for anything. Unless your are a unfit parent you should have custody over your own child or it should be your own choice to give up custody if it is in the child's best interest. My parents where taken aback by this. I don't know if it's because I know how the law works, I knew how to do this or the fact that I did it. To my parents I seem like a fool that's giving up a lot of power and powerful positions. So does that make me a smart fool? In any case hubby thinks I'm more a wife to him then most married women are to their husbands and is fine with it. As for the wedding ring that would otherwise be left unused. I never offered it back, but I did asked him once if he wanted it back. To him at least I was not being inadequate and we need to work on a few things. I fail to see how this is emotional black mail. To be honest having you being disappointed at me stings. I figured your tolerance for me was because you don't want me to mess up hubby and my sons life. That's why I hoping to get some advice in the video that has not come out jet. The disappointment got me off guard. Why do you even have expectations regarding me? Now I feel self-conscious. As hubby puts it, Sandman used confusion and it was super effective." Well Miss Fat Cat and not Mrs. Fat Cat I'll share my thoughts in a moment but first let me tell everyone about today's sponsor Me The Sandman:

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