OP2404-5-1 After Action Report

2 months ago

OP2404-5-1 After Action report (Written by Google Gemini)
After Action Report (AAR)
Operation: Liberation of Yugniy Snezhniy

Unit: Task Force - 2nd Battalion, Chernarus 3rd Separate Tank Brigade

Date: OP2404-5-1

1. Situation

a. Enemy Forces: Separatists with confirmed presence of Russian Naval Infantry Special Forces, Wagner Group Mercenaries, and Spanish Militia. Enemy strength estimated at one reinforced company.

b. Friendly Forces: Task Force composed of three T-72 Tanks, two BMP Infantry Fighting Vehicles, two BRDM Scout Cars, and unknown number of dismounted infantry.

c. Civilians: Four NGO aid workers reported held captive. One confirmed deceased, three critically injured and recovered.

2. Mission

Seize control of Yugniy Snezhniy.
Locate and liberate four NGO aid workers reported held captive by separatists.
Evacuate liberated civilians to friendly base.
3. Execution

The task force conducted a frontal assault on Yugniy Snezhniy with tanks flanking and BMPs with dismounted infantry attacking through the center. Initial resistance from local militia and suspected Russian-speaking militia was swiftly neutralized with heavy weaponry.

2nd Squad initiated a secondary attack from the southwest, engaging enemy forces including Russian Naval Infantry Special Forces. Command Squad neutralized the enemy Special Forces and located the building containing the captive civilians.

During the liberation, a female minder associated with the separatists drew a weapon and was eliminated. The Commander secured the location, recovered three injured civilians, and confirmed the death of the fourth as reported by intelligence.

Russian-speaking militia and a technical launched a counterattack, which was repelled by Command Squad and 2nd Squad. 2nd Squad continued to defend the northern village perimeter but sustained heavy casualties, including the loss of their BMP.

Evacuation efforts were hampered by two subsequent counterattacks, one by Wagner Group Mercenaries and another by Spanish Militia. Both enemy forces were driven back.

4. Sustained Casualties

Task Force: 9 Soldiers (2 from Command Squad, 7 from 2nd Squad)
2nd Squad BMP destroyed.
5. Enemy Losses (Field Count)

3 Technicals
1 T-55 Tank
1 BRDM Scout Car
6. Assessment

The mission was partially successful. Three of the four NGO aid workers were recovered, but the fourth was confirmed deceased. Due to intense enemy fire, no data could be retrieved from the deceased civilian. The task force successfully disrupted separatist activity in Yugniy Snezhniy and inflicted significant casualties.

7. Recommendations

Improved intelligence gathering is needed to avoid friendly casualties from mistaken identity (e.g., NGO workers mistaken for Chernarus Defense Forces intelligence).
Reinforcements may be necessary when engaging Wagner Group Mercenaries or other well-equipped enemy forces.
Medical evacuation procedures should be adapted to account for potential heavy casualties during urban combat scenarios.
8. Appendix

Data from captured enemy personnel is being processed and analyzed. Preliminary reports suggest the NGO workers were accused of collaborating with Chernarus Defense Forces intelligence.

This is based on the Arma 3 wargame. The voice is AI generated and represents no individual, living or dead. The text of the transcript, while AI generated, is based on data provided by the channel author

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