Do you want your child to be a free sovereign HUMAN BEING?

10 months ago

Do you want your child to have education, which leads to them being a free sovereign being or do you want your child to have education, which leads them to be a subservient slave of the matrix?
Today I am going to introduce you to a new kind of learning: we are using this format of, “Create a Play in Two Days” as an excellent vehicle to familiarise yourself with this. Firstly, the process is lots of fun: you can exercise your creativity and your imagination. What it's really for is this: you are training yourself to listen to your own ideas, your own inner self, your own sense of intuition, imagination and creativity. This is the voice of your Spirit. That is what are you doing here, building a foundation to retain your sovereign freedom, authenticity and integrity for your life. But, we are making a fun project out of it, and you will go away with a more strengthened and aware sense of who and what you actually are, and how you can actually bring yourself through as a creative individual in this world .
A free human being is what we are making here: we are giving you back the tools to be free human beings, connected to the energy that has made you, and therefore, also connected to the energy of all of nature.

What if I told you there is a way of learning that can preserve your child’s internal guidance, -preserve the voice of their intuition? Traditionally, Learning is authoritative top-down, external information, which is programmed into us through listening, writing and repetitive exercises.
There is another kind of learning which I have labelled resonance learning, which is fuelled by the spirit, in its wish to expand in knowledge and experience. An energetic ‘pull’ within each person, which they already have in their soul/Genetic structure, which leads the child, by a series of synchronicity and inner promptings, to augment that knowledge through direct experience.
This is the new kind of learning. It is the learning of sovereign freedom.
It is the free person’s learning. It is the learning we should be making possible for our children.
Do you want your child to be an obedient slave in an authoritarian structure, which we now understand has been designed to limit, control, and harvest our energy on all levels?
Or, would you like your child to grow up free, sovereign, with wisdom, understanding, self-determination, joy health and happiness?
It’s a no brainer isn’t it ?
Well, everything I do is about this second kind of learning.
Come and take a look at my website. Book me for my, “Create a Play in Two Days”. It’s a very good beginning to understand this other approach to learning. Or buy my books, subscribe to my The Heavenly Tea Rumble channel, and keep watching the videos. I will not give up on this. Now is the time. Now that we are finally realising we don’t want to be slaves to a faulty system, we have to understand the inside-out nature of our education system, and turn it around. It is our responsibility to present the solution for our children- for our future, through them.

From Duty to Joy” The Handbook for Children’s 5- D Learning, Dr. Isabel Aimee
The Source Energy Hand Book to Activating Your Creativity, Dr. Isabel Aimee
Education for Being, Rebeca Wild

If you love what I am giving you,

“My mission, is to teach people to be their full selves. - That’s always been it, whether it’s a child, or an adult or a toad, you know- it’s always been that.”
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I work with groups of adults to aid harmony and creativity, and visit schools to activate children's creative potential.
I work through donation- with a minimum fee of £50 for the hours’ session and afterwards, you decide how much you would like to donate for the experience.

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