The Gracious Two - LIVE Show 032 - Dean Blackwelder

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The Gracious Two, Chad Gracey & John Rotolo (JRo or Mr. GoodTimes) welcome Friend of LiVe & Agent - Mr. Dean Blackwelder!!! They joke and reminisce about the good ol days!

Introduction and pleasantries:
The Gracious Two welcomed guest Dean Blackwell, catching up on life events since Chad and him met over 15 years ago in Portland. Dean shared an anecdote about getting Chad's contact details through Gracey's 1st ex-wife Michelle who was a fitness model Dean represented.

Scientology and celebrity involvement:
The discussion turned to the Church of Scientology. The guys expressed disbelief that celebrities like Tom Cruise remain devoted despite knowledge of the organization's controlling practices. The group agreed the alleged cult, allegedly traps members through financial and social commitments once deeply involved.

Propaganda and media manipulation:
With information overload and "fake news," the public struggles to discern truth. The Gracious Two criticized media for amplifying certain narratives without challenge or fact-checking. Independent research is needed to avoid being misled, as propaganda aims to confuse and divide.

Pedophilia, child abuse, and age of consent:
Advocating for legalizing pedophilia was condemned as harmful and illegal, with children requiring protection from manipulation. Normalizing abuse ruins lives and flouts moral codes distinguishing right from wrong. Consent debates were shut down for violating ethics and threatening innocence.

Closing remarks:
The Gracious Two thanked Dean and the audience for the coming on and watching. While entertainment was prioritized, raising awareness on complex issues was also valued. By addressing uncomfortable topics directly yet respectfully, understanding and community could be strengthened. Continued open dialogue was encouraged.

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