Paracelsus On: "Cosmology"

3 months ago

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This is a single chapter read from the book entitled: "The Life and Doctrines of Theophrastus Parcelsus" by Dr. Franz Hartmann. The chapter is entitled: "Cosmology". Read by DJ. Morgan.

Dear Brothers and Sisters in the glorious effulgence of the One God, this excerpt is meant to inspire the divine spark that lies as the essence of all thinking beings in the Uni-verse. There are great truths of nature concealed in the visible and invisible processes of the physical world that man perceives as reality, but is truly only Illusion. The alchemical art of Paracelsus was meant to transmute the consciousness of mankind from the gross to the pure, and hence heal all the modalities of dis-ease possible in the physical plane as a result. As the great hermetic maxim applies to ALL whether conscious of it or not:

"As above so below, as within, so without."

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