24LHDVD03-05 Jean Williams & Kernaa Williams

11 months ago

JEAN - MANIFESTATION OF ABUSIVE CONTROL: What is control? The power to direct or influence people’s behavior aka as total witchcraft through domination, manipulation and control. The abuse of control holds a person in unnecessary bondage and hinders them from fulfilling the purpose of God in their lives. There is a positive control to be discerned and when we submit to God’s order of authority we can grow into full maturity. The individual who exercises abusive control has no personal regard or consideration for the one being dominated. The controller’s goal is survival at any cost. When a church leader refers to the congregation as “my people”, let that be a red flag. Abusive controllers are insecure but they want you to think they have it all together. Eph 4:14 The weak person is an easy target for this control. She shares major character traits of an abusive controller. Abusive control is sin because the Bible tells us we are to love one another. This is a must listen to for all believers! KERNAA - ENDTIME SCORPIONS: Kernaa gives us a dream he had, and in sharing it he wants to bring a watchman awareness to the listener. He gives a prayer waging war against the scorpion spirits. He then reveals Scriptures that show the various ways God uses dreams and visions to instruct and warn those who are asking and listening. He declares it is time for believers to get a better understanding of the prophetic. He warns that in discerning we must look beyond the external and see the agenda of what is going on in the spiritual realm. We must seek the Lord for Him to reveal what we can’t see. We are being engaged with a hostile set of spirits by the name of end time scorpions so we need to study and get more insight on their manifestations. The core of this message is about becoming more discerning, especially when it comes to who is standing behind the pulpit. In this age of Artificial Intelligence it behooves us to know what or who is ministering. He ends with prayer for release and deliverance from scorpion spirits and their manifestations/symptoms.

Kernaa and Jean Williams website:
Lake Hamilton Bible Camp - http://lakehamiltonbiblecamp.com
Lake Hamilton Bible Camp's Free Audio: http://lhbconline.com
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