EP078 Forever is FOR-EVER Part 3 of 9 on Marriage

10 months ago

Today's episode is 3 of a series of 9 on the Sacrament of Marriage. In this episode we go deeper into what the church means by indissoluble and why this is the vital to all sacramental marriages. Marriage for Life or put another way, F-O-R-E-V-E-R, is the intention since the beginning of time and must continue to be lived as such for couples, families and the world to see the true fruits of a healthy, happy, strong and holy marriage. Jesus, who described Himself as the Bridegroom gave His life for the sake of His Bride, the Church, and remains with us in the Blessed Sacrament to continue to strengthen our soul for this long journey of life. Through every Sacrament, God's Grace becomes present to us to help us (in which ever state of life we are called to), especially Holy Communion. For this reason, all Catholics, especially married couples, should receive the Eucharist frequently in a state of grace.

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