Stolen; High Altitude Video

2 months ago

What’s with all these things that are blocking and scaring our sky being that we live on a flat plane as proven by gods word and many of my experiments I find it that we can see hundreds of miles straight on! National aerospace administration, better known as evil NASA olds, do United States citizens trillions upon trillions of stolen money, and quadrillions and wasted time in their lies and deceit! Quadrillion‘s and quadrillion’s in reparation for the sex trafficking, and the dumbing down of Americans through the educational system, which has been lying for a couple hundred years maybe a little less than that, but lying for sure, the federal government needs to get out of the education business because we don’t need MK ultra or fluoride in our water and other dumbing down agents just saying that we have treason, and all should be punished by the stretching of their anatomy Short rope fast for a Guantánamo Bay sure, what do you want to turn on every presidents of the United States in the vice president many senators and House of Representatives have committed high treason. There’s only one that has not not yet and I’m hoping he does not and that would be president Donald John Trump.

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