Jake Lang and The Offer I Couldn't Refuse - How "The Hero of January 6" Put Himself on My SH*T List

2 months ago

By Shawn Bradley Witzemann (TMI) - April 7, 2024

On July 10, 2023, The Gateway Pundit published a story I wrote about violence in the DCCTF “Patriot Pod” after controversial January 6th Defendant Taylor Taranto was arrested and confined there.

One source within the pod explained:
“Thanks to the jail throwing that hand grenade of antifa scum in this pod with all of us and deliberately letting him out of his cell, along with Jake Lang making the situation worse by turning his back on all of us and deciding to label the antifa bastard the only real J6er, things got out of hand today.”

Almost immediately after TGP published the article, Jake Lang messaged associates and clients of mine, describing me as a “snake in the grass”, demanding that I retract the source’s statements and issue a public apology, suggesting to clients of mine that I be fired unless I complied with his demands.

Shortly after Lang made phone calls, the original article was edited and sanitized by others — Jake Lang’s name was removed from the quoted material.

On July 13, 2023, I spoke with Lang for a little over 24 minutes. During that call, he repeatedly demanded that I issue a retraction and an apology for my report about what inmates said, lied to me about what he told clients of mine, and attempted to gaslight and cajole me into pushing his particular version of whatever occurred in the pod. (Last three minutes of the call are posted below).

I refused to acquiesce to Lang’s demands.

On July 20, 2023, one week after my phone call with Jake Lang, Jim Hoft called me and told me I was fired.

When I took Jake Lang’s call on July 13, 2023, I knew damned well he would be making an offer I couldn’t refuse.

I will never issue a retraction or public apology for what I reported on July 10, 2023.

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