How just ONE Wellness Visit can Lead to a Lifetime of Drugs

5 months ago

This is why I don’t go to the doctor, why I became educated to be my own General Practitioner and why I don’t trust the tests as they can be manipulated just to get you started on Drugs and then manipulated to make it appear the drugs are “working.”

I can relate to this guy.

I was on about 12 drugs every single day. I went to over 50 doctors, probably more in a ten year period looking for answers.

The answers were one drug after another after another. I was getting sicker and sicker. The amount of drugs I was experimented with was seriously mind blowing. Some HORRIBLE ones. Probably over 50 drugs also, for an array of ailments.

I am off every single one of those drugs now, but it was absolute HELL getting off the physically dependent ones. Doctors are not even aware that your body becomes physically dependent on a lot of these. They are with the obvious opioids.

Not one doctor told me that ALL my problems could be resolved by diet.

My problems included, panic attacks, OCD, Depression, Anxiety, SEVERE Gut Problems – all types, head aches, jaw pain, fibromyalgia – muscle stiffness, tachycardia, POTS, and more.

Here is what I do everyday:

1. Lemon & Ginger mixed with 32 oz of Berkey Filtered Water.
2. Celery Juice – 16 oz – 30 minutes following the lemon and ginger – all on EMPTY Stomach and do NOT mix anything with the Celery Juice.
3. Smoothie with – Wild Blueberry Juice or you can use Powder, Barley Grass Juice Powder, Spirulina, ½ Banana, 30 mg Zinc, 3,000 mg of Lysine, with a mixture of freshly juiced Apple and Orange Juice.
4. Before Bed – one of these teas – Cat’s Claw, Lemon Balm, Licorice Root or Thyme.
5. Try to limit the amount of Fats as nutrients cannot be absorbed with too much fat. *Note: All meats are considered fats. Just attempt to limit them as much as you can.

That’s all I do.

My mother spends OVER $1,000 a month on her “healthcare” – I spend $150 and have not been for a Wellness checkup in 6 years since beginning this in 2018.

I still have very disabling back problems but I take nothing for it anymore and was taking a LOT of horribly addicting drugs for 20 consecutive years.

Look up Anthony William.

I get most of this stuff from and the rest from Pure Encapsulations on Amazon.

I Agree with the guy in this video that Doctors flat out have NO clue as they only know what they are taught in medical school and it appears the LEARNING for them ENDS right then and there.

They seem to turn into Medical Robots after med school.

Think of the health problems they are creating by all these children's vaccines.

It's Criminal.

Source: johnpatt92 --



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Thank You!!

END. 4/14/2024 – 6:00 PM

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