Extreme Eclipse Anxiety Due to Heavy Cloud Cover Forecast

9 months ago

Many astronomers have stated that our total eclipse of the sun by the moon is a unique event in the entire universe since the odds against it make it almost an impossibility. Yet here it is happening on the one place in the universe where we know there exists intelligent life that can appreciate such a miraculous event, CLOUDY weather is predicted for much of the path of totality in the United States. As a result we now have an outbreak of extreme Eclipse Anxiety as you can see in this video. The funniest reaction was from Al Roker who is in Dallas and when asked about the eclipse weather could only answer "interesting." Despite Al trying to maintain an upbeat attitude it was later belied when he reported hail, wind, and tornadoes for Texas. Yeah, "interesting" weather for Texas, Al, which means a very lousy chance of seeing the eclipse there.

My biggest hope is that there will be few clouds south of Indianapolis where my friend Pastor Charles Henrickson will be participating in an Eclipse viewing party with his church group. So, please clouds, at least spare the Indianapolis area from clouds for Eclipse Day. Oooh! Oooh! OOOOOOOH!!! And now I think I am experiencing extreme Eclipse anxiety!

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