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Deranged Libs Go Crazy Over My Utah Speech | Ep. 1463

8 months ago

Libs in Utah shriek and scream about my speech there tonight,  NYC pays millions for making Muslim criminals remove their hijabs, and P. Diddy might be the new Jeffrey Epstein.  


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  • 0/2000
  • The capital of Utah is a giant Libtard commune. Unfortunately, there is also a large number of fake conservatives that like to claim Trump hurted they feewings. Despite all that, Trump still won that state in 2020, or more importantly, Joe Brandon lost.

  • So covering your face to commit a crime is not concealing your identity, it's just modesty.

  • Michael Knowles didn’t know that salt lake is the gay capital of the US. If you want the normal “ Mormon” Utah, go anywhere but salt lake

  • The Marxists are ALWAYS playing offense, always have been. Currently, the rest of us are starting to wake up to the fact that playing perpetual defense is a losing strategy. We can never relax.

  • Only a city run by complete morons would pay Muslim women because they followed police procedures. Truly astounding, but not surprising. They are such dopes.

  • Why is gen x always passed over? It's either boomers or millennials.

  • "You're a piece of shit! You spread hate!" You gotta love that lib tolerance. Can't you just feel the love emanating from her?

  • Oh man I would have had to honk the horn everytime that little cunt at the beginning that was yapping her mouth tried to talk. She would have snapped and it would have been great to see her explode. What a worthless POS

    1 like
  • @35:00 It's the women's fault because the committed a crime.

    1 like
  • We need to amend the constitution. Libs can only be acknowledged in California. Anywhere else they get the death sentence if they are spotted. Freedom does not mean being a pest to everyone. Freedom is being free from the pests, & free to do the right thing. Protesting bad things, or having genuine grievances is one thing, but the libs make up reasons to protest, & intentionally disrupt society. In many cases they will lie & manufacture problems just so they can make a fuss. They are villains. They gotta go.

    1 like
  • Are you sure these muslim women wanted to preserve their modesty or did they just want to hide their half bald heads because the hijab causes them to go bald.

  • 😂😂😂 careful Knowles, Ben will be firing you next!

  • Big difference between Gaza and southern Gaza. The IDF will still be in northern Gaza.

  • He quoted the Quran out of context and Knowles missed it through ignorance, or worse. (It's okay to kill if you decide corruption or mischief is involved) He added insult to injury with the propitiative 'respect' line. Wake up!

  • Please tell me this isnt true. If Biden had kept his stupid nose out of it the IDF would have finished this months ago. The cant retreat. This cant be happening. Do you know what this means? That protest in Televieve was started by Biden! 90% of Isrealis are for the war. Israel has to mop up Hamas or they are looking at a much bigger war. And what about the darn hostages, 5 of them Americans?! I disliked Biden and his crew before. Now I despise them. Do you have any idea the killing and suffering and war this going to cause by emboldening Iran?! I almost wish hell did exist so Biden and his posse in DC could go there.