CCP’s EVs Have a Tremendous Amount of Information-Gathering Equipment

8 months ago

04/05/2024 Congressman French Hill on Fox News: The CCP's strategy is quite simple. They first rob intellectual property, then replicate the stolen intellectual property, and finally replace American companies with their own. The new electric vehicle they have introduced is a typical example of this. What's even more concerning is that these electric vehicles are equipped with a large number of information-gathering equipment.
04/05/2024 众议员弗兰奇·希尔接受福克斯采访:中共的策略非常简单。首先抢劫知识产权,然后复制抢来的知识产权,最后用中共自己的公司取代美国公司。他们这次推出的新款电动汽车就是一个典型的例子。而更令人担忧的是,这些电动汽车拥有大量采集信息的设备。

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