Trump Responds To Bird Flu Pandemic Hype

2 months ago

Trump Responds To Bird Flu Pandemic Hype That We Will Not Comply To A Repeat of Covid Lockdowns and Mandates

Some have claimed that Trump was the one who locked down America and Politico gave the fact check a rare "half true" because no evidence of this could be found. Politico noted that on March 16, 2020, Trump said in briefing, "The governors of the various states will have a lot of leeway. If we open up, and when we open up, the governors in certain states … those schools are going to be open." 

Trump gave "leeway" to the governors for local authorities to ultimately decide. Whether intentionally or not, Trump having this hands off policy of the federal government regarding lockdowns resulted in liberal writers to study the constitution to argue that the federal government had powers to override State decisions that are dangerous. Now those at Harvard and elsewhere were seeking for states like Florida to lock down, promote Covid propaganda and be vaccinated even more by the force of the federal government.

Trump is now responding with more clarity than before that we will not lockdown perhaps implying that states will not be allowed to harm citizens in this way any more.

"These are sick people we are dealing with. But to every Covid tyrant who wants to take away our freedom. Hear these words. We will not comply. So don't even think about it. We will not shut down our schools, we will not accept your lockdowns, we will not abide by your mask mandates, and we will not tolerate your vaccine mandates."

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