5 easy diy home projects

10 months ago

5 Easy DIY Home Projects Using 1x2's! Plant Shelves - | used scrap wood and stained them all to match. I spaced them all apart evenly for a 4" piece of wood to slide between them. Nail these boards into your studs and they will be plenty secure to hold small shelves! My shelves are only about 3" wide and are a perfect spot for plants
Slat Wal| - For this project I did rip down a sheet of plywood to make my own 1x2's to save some money. But this is SUch an easy accent wall to do in any space! I used a 1x2 turn sideways to get the perfect spacing between boards
Geometric Accent Wall This is the first project | did in our house and these are so easy! There is no set design, so you can make it however yoU want
Diamond Wall - My favorite wall l've ever done. This is still beginner friendly just requiresa little more planning. I actually traced this whole wall out in pencil first before I started.

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