S³ Interview ~ Orbital Composites

2 months ago

Interview with carbon-carbon printer, artificial solar sun schemer, flight robotics guru, and future-space pirate Cole Nielsen-Cole, CTO of Orbital Composites. Orbital is developing systems to manufacture and assemble large structures like antennas directly in orbit.

Orbital's Cofounder & CEO Amolak Badesha: "There are three pillars of society: transportation, communication, and energy. With advanced materials, especially with composites and metamaterials, we are able to transition all of these things into wireless domain."

Orbital Composites, is building:
‣ Carbon fiber printing robots
‣ A 200m gyroscope for the Moon
‣ A new kind of high-speed drone
‣ Hypersonic materials, and more...

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Orbital Composites: https://www.orbitalcomposites.com/
S³: https://www.jasoncarman.com/
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