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2000 years of eclipse

11 months ago

From April 14th, 33 ad 2,000 years is 2,033 on April 14th 2033 blood moon will be over Jerusalem on the 13th of April a solar eclipse will be over
Jerusalem. The anniversary are the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Tomorrow on April 8th 2024 there will be a solar eclipse across America starting in in Texas and heading to Maine. Crossing seven towns call Nineveh. It was also another cross in 2017 across from Oregon to North Carolina pass through seven towns called Salem. And there's another one in 23 American to Texas it made up a name a Hebrew alphabet Aleph there were three junctions when he's came together.Tav in the Greek is the alpha and the Omega the beginning and the end in Hebrew it is the strength of God and at the end it is the Cross of Christ.


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