Shohri no Sora e – To the Victory Sky 勝利の空へ (Cover)

10 months ago

“Fukuoka SoftBank Hawks" is a professional baseball team based in Fukuoka City. This month's song, "Shohri no Sora e – To the Victory Sky" is the team's official song. The lyrics and music were written by Fujii Fumiya, whose birthday is July 11. He was the lead singer of the Checkers, a seven-member male band that dominated the 1980s and 1990s, and is now a singer-songwriter, actor, and computer graphics artist, among other cross-disciplinary talents.

In 2005 (Heisei 17), due to a change in the parent company, the team name was changed from the "Fukuoka Daiei Hawks" to the "Fukuoka Softbank Hawks" and this song was performed at the opening game. There are 12 professional baseball teams in Japan. Which is your favorite team?

福岡市が本拠地のプロ野球球団「福岡ソフトバンクホークス - Fukuoka SoftBank Hawks」。今月の曲「勝利の空へ」は球団の公式ソングです。作詞・作曲は7月11日が誕生日の藤井フミヤ。1980~90年代を席巻した男性7人組バンド、チェッカーズのリードボーカルで、現在はシンガーソングライター、俳優、CGアーティスト等、分野を超えた才能を発揮しています。


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