11 months ago

There are many famous songs that have been called "AVE MARIA," but the work of Franz Schubert (1797-1828), a classical great and Austrian-born composer, is one of the gems. Based on the epic poem "The Beauty on the Lake" by Scottish poet and novelist Walter Scott (1771-1832), Franz Schubert published his song cycle "The Beauty on the Lake" in 1825, of which "Ellen's Song" No. 3 is "AVE MARIA. This song is sung when Ellen's father is arrested as the ringleader of a rebellion against the king and prays to Mary for his safety. This song is loved and sung all over the world as "AVE MARIA.

In Japan, there were many Marian Kannon. When Christianity was banned in Japan, believers in Maria made a Buddhist-style Maria Kannon and prayed to her. They established their own style, but later, when they became able to believe in Christianity, they were puzzled by the differences from their own belief in Maria and had difficulty accepting it. I have created a soundtrack that incorporates a bit of oriental scales to create a sense of cultural discomfort in the musical scale. I hope you enjoy it.

「AVE MARIA」と称される名曲は数多くありますが、クラシック界の大家でオーストリア出身フランツ・シューベルト(1797-1828)の作品は珠玉の一曲です。スコットランドの詩人で小説家のウォルター・スコット(1771-1832)の叙事詩「湖上の美人」を元に、1825年に歌曲集「湖上の美人」を発表、そのなかにある「エレンの歌」第3番が「AVE MARIA」です。エレンの父が国王への反乱の首謀者として逮捕され、その無事をマリア様に祈るときに歌う曲です。この曲が「AVE MARIA」として世界中で愛され、歌い継がれています。


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