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Light of the World...

10 months ago

Jesus Jesus has come to as Light into darkness... Jesus has placed His light inside each of us who believe upon Him... We are to bright as a city on a hill and no way would we ever hide our light under a basket...
Yet this a way that the spirit of python and workers of divination work in our lives and even within the churches... Jesus and all of the Apostles have warned us countless times in the Word to beware of false prophets, false teachers and even false christs... Yet we are still so gullible that whenever someone speaks and e en says they are doing so from the Father or Jesus, that's all the insurance we need to accept their words... We set up many of the false leaders as idols and gods and bow down to every word they speak... Yet John tells us to test the spirits of what they say... Paul commended the Bereans because they test every word that even spoke against the Holy Scriptures...
Jesus said the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth... And today with all of these false spirits of python and divination speaking and becoming gods or idols in our lives... We need the Holy Spirit and His Gifts of Wisdom and Discernment of Spirits more than ever before to be Lights in this ever more so getting darker world in which we are living on...