Bo Polny - KEY TIME POINT in ALL of HISTORY! Sheila Holm, Bo Polny - Captions

11 months ago

In this conversation, Bo Polny and Sheila Holm discuss the significance of the three solar eclipses in seven years and the divine numerics and biblical references associated with them. They delve into the Hebrew language and its multidimensional meanings, as well as the prophetic implications of the upcoming eclipse and its alignment with biblical events. They also touch on the concept of a covenant with God and the potential for revival and spiritual awakening amidst challenging times. The conversation highlights the intricate design and divine orchestration of events, emphasizing the need for repentance and alignment with God's will.

✝️ Another Awesome Message from Bo Polny! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video may be watched here:


Full Video Transcript:

Where do we get the word alphabet from? That's easy, right? The Greek alphabet. Alphabet, alphabeta. But, where did the Greeks get their alphabet from? Hebrew. Yeah, the language of the God of the Bible. In Hebrew, the first two letters are aleph bet, which is where the Greeks got alphabeta from. Take the Hebrew word for father, ab.

aleph bet one, two equals three. Hebrew. Word for mother, aim aleph mem. One 40 equals 41. Summer three and 41. 44. Hebrew. Word for child, right? Mother, father, child, yell. That's 10 30 and 4 44. And the pictograph for the letter tov. The door is a door. John chapter 10 verse 9. I am the door. I am the Toph. By me if any man enter in he shall be saved.

And it gets better. In Proto Hebrew, Ancient Hebrew, the letter Toph was an X. A mark. An X or a cross. And then the cross changed to a door. It was the idea of salvation. That Jesus would give us salvation on the cross. And by doing so, he became the door to eternal life. A message echoed by the Passover prophecy.

Where the blood of the Lamb Am over the doorway to your house. Caused death to pass over the blood painted over the door in the shape of the letter top.

Good afternoon. I have somebody new for us to listen to. She is amazing. I've known Sheila Holmes for several years now. through the We Awaken America tour. And she just recently did a podcast with my friend, Nino Rodriguez, which went crazy. She talked a lot about the eclipse that's coming. And so there's many things that we're going to discuss today and actually want to have some fun because Sheila is going to take all of her knowledge that she has relative to the eclipse and everything else she's got.

And I'm going to layer in some biblical timing on it. So we're going to have some fun. So Sheila, welcome. It is so good to be with you we've talked about doing this for a long time and this is really exciting Yes, absolutely. No, I just it's sheila's just a wealth of knowledge And I think you're all going to come to realize that really soon as she began to speak and go over what she What she knows and what she's learned over these past many years and she's very anointed.

So we're gonna really i'm sure this this podcast is going to be very very special and Father. I just want to ask you that you just use this podcast to spread your message far and wide. We ask in the name of your son, Jesus Christ. Amen. So Sheila, where do you want to start? Well, we can start with how it started back in Branson, Missouri, November of 22.

I was saying all this stuff and you know me, I don't do science. I don't do earthquakes. I don't do solar eclipses. I don't do seismic stuff. I don't do celestial annual things. I don't nothing. thing that is being revealed, did I know, but it came out of my mouth, because only they were, they were only talking about 2017 and 2024.

To have three solar eclipses in seven years is completely miraculous. To have them completely sweep across our nation each time is completely miraculous. We don't have another one for 24 years, and it's only going to dip into North Dakota and Montana. But it's still a total solar eclipse and people go it's not total america The thing that people don't understand is the total solar eclipse means that the sun is completely totally covered for a period of time And so that I didn't know any of these things that were coming out of my mouth They said there's they said it was going to be an x it was going to be a target that god was done with us He was judging america.

Our time is up. We we haven't cleaned it up And I said you can't say that people are tired that to people that God's targeting America. You can't say that God's done with us because that's not true. And I said, there's another one that's going to happen in 23. Now, I didn't know any of this. It just all started coming out of my mouth.

And the humor is, I got a little video clip, a couple of, three weeks ago. We know was sharing it out on Twitter and I get so many things that there was another video and God said I had him send this and so I looked at it and here is a Hebrew description of exactly what is happening with this new eclipse and people start getting scared because 2017 and 2023 nobody even talked about him.

It wasn't a big deal. And now they're saying there's going to be a tsunami coming in on the coast. Anyone under 2000 square feet above sea level is going to drown. And all this crazy stuff is being said and CERN and NSA, NASA, and everybody's on top of it and they're going to be doing things about it.

And, and the national guard is going to be everywhere and everybody's like scattered all over. And what's really funny is nobody did anything in 2017. And it was all the way from the west to the east coast. Nobody did anything about what happened in 2023. We were all at Durell in October 14 of 2023. I was on stage that morning.

Nobody even, I told them this is what is happening. Nobody even made a big deal about it. And now it's driving people crazy, and that's why, if we could start with the message, because after all this came out of my mouth, November of 22, God said, now put it in print. So I hired a good graphics person who made a beautiful design of this, and then I presented these to Clay Clark and to General Flynn framed in January at Reawaken in Nashville.

These are the three and seven years. It forms two crosses and look what else it forms. Down on the bottom, in the middle, you can see the slanted A. And the slanted A is modern Hebrew. There's ancient Hebrew, paleo Hebrew, then there's modern Hebrew. And the modern Hebrew letter A is what God is putting his whole signature across our nation.

And that A means EL, which is El Shaddai Elohim. He's the Lord over all. So that's what it's forming, is that slanted letter A in Hebrew. And that is the Aleph. And that is the beginning of the alphabet of Hebrew. And that letter is what stands for him. And they are one. In Hebrew, the Hebrew scholars have given me wonderful, wonderful background information on this that they were divided into three later, there are three aspects to the Father, but the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are one operating with us in these days.

And while we're here. And so, the two crosses is what it forms. They said, no, no, no, it's going to form that X where you see at Missouri and Illinois. And I said, it's not an X. So when we go through this and we bring up that little video in Hebrew, you're going to see the guy describe it. And I'm not kidding.

I just stared at the screen and I said, Father, how did this happen? That this man summarized everything that I'm going to summarize in these slides. Okay, so this is the one on April 8th. It's going to swing up through 13 states this time. It went through eight states, but seven states had Salem, and now it's going to go through six states that have Nineveh.

And everybody said, no, Sheila, Virginia also has Nineveh. Well, Virginia is not in the direct path. I can only tell you what God asked me to say. And God said the focus is going to be on the six, and they're in these states, Texas, Missouri, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York. Now Missouri is the only state that had a Salem, and now it has a Nineveh.

There's a reason why this is all happening, because Missouri is right where the Mississippi River is. And it's key because so many people have said that the Mississippi River is going to split in half, and it's going to divide this nation in half, and that's not what the focus is with the Father. He has a completely different piece of information to share with us about where those two cross.

So in the next slide, and the number six is Bob in Hebrew, and it looks like a golf wedge. I'd like to say I never have to use the golf wedge, but that, that just wouldn't be true. So anyway, you usually use it to get out of a sand crab area. So I do have to use it. And so, but God said, no, six could be beast.

Six is the number for man. Six is the tent peg. Those are the things that they used on Christ when he was on the cross. It has all different meanings. And father said, the meaning I want my people to understand is to be one nation under him. Thank you. The Lord over all we have to be in relationship with him and connected with him And I don't know hebrew as well as you do both.

But I would pronounce it How would you pronounce that because I I think you probably know how to pronounce it better I think you were pretty close in what you said there. Okay. So the Holy Spirit operating in us, connecting us to the Lord over all. Now, here's the beautiful part. When you hear about the President operating in 5D, those are the dimensions.

The only thing that I'm aware of, and it's going to be confirmed in this video that we're going to share with you, is that Hebrew operates in all these dimensions. So the language of Hebrew You have the letter, you have the pictograph, and then you have what the meaning is of it, and then you have his name, which is tied to it, then you have a number assigned to it.

And so you have all these different levels, all these different dimensions and all of it has meaning. So to have the Lord over all be the exact symbol formed by these three eclipses in seven years is a significant piece of information that we can actually read the code. Everybody wants to know what's the code of this and the code of that.

The code of this is it's his signature. It means that he is the Lord over all. None of the dead gods, just the living Lord. Overall has put his signature on our nation, which is significant, and the gift is to realize why he would do that. So in the next slide, what I did was narrow down the map so you can see the key point of 2024.

And then it passes over the Mississippi River. It's right at the border of Missouri. And the cross that it's going to cross over, when it forms a cross, it's crossing over the cross of peace. And Salem stood for peace, and it was in seven cities, completion, etc. You're going to hear all of this in this Hebrew video.

I'm emphasizing the specific things that I've been talking about for two years. And now, here it is in Hebrew, and I don't know Hebrew. But the Mississippi River is what forms the border. So if you start down in the Gulf and you come around Louisiana and you swing on up and you just keep going all the way to the Canadian border, that entire thing is the Mississippi River.

Every single border of every single state is formed by that Mississippi River. And people say, well, Sheila, You can't say that that also goes into Canada because it's not. Well, it does go into Canada. It doesn't just stop at the top of America. It does. And can you imagine if, if God was going to really divide our nation and split it apart, what would happen to the land in Canada?

Because that river is a river that comes from the Gulf, goes down to the Gulf. That's, that's the pathway of that water. And so. The division in America that people are forgetting, and the thing to repent for, is that all of the Native American Indians, which majority were the tribes of Israel, they weren't all the tribes of Israel because God gave them uninhabited lands in many areas about 600 B.

C., those Native Americans were moved off of their land, out of their homes, and many had mansions. All the chiefs had mansions, two and three story wooden homes, and they were all forced to the other side of the Mississippi River. So that was the Division of America. And even though the Cherokee won their Supreme Court case, it was President Andrew Jackson that said, well, then let Justice Marshall protect him and let him enforce it.

If he wants him to not leave, then let him enforce it. Well, that's not our Constitution. President Andrew Jackson had to be the one to enforce it, and it was his third goal to move them on the other side of the Mississippi, so he wasn't going to enforce it. So, this actual X, which is a cross, passes over the Bald Knob Cross, so I inserted a picture, it's 111 feet tall.

It's the highest pass where they could take train tracks, and that's why it's called the Alto Pass in Illinois. And it's now called the Cross of Peace. And people see it, no matter when you fly in that area, people can see it. It's that prominent. And so, if I could pause you for a minute. So that cross is right in the center, right here, is what you're saying?

Right where that cross is forming is exactly above this cross. We've literally got the cross of Jesus at the X, in addition to it making an X, which I find fascinating, because there's a lot of math behind all this, which I've been studying. But the fact that it's actually crossing over, again, describe this, this cross again, that's the, so the eclipse is going to cross right at this point here, correct?

And then at that exact point, there is this cross. So describe the cross to me one more time, or to the viewers. Is the is the tallest cross. It's 111 feet tall Three ones in a row one one one. Yes. Yes, and i've heard several different definitions of it But god just said it was so important because it's on alta pass and alto pass is the highest Wait, and then there's a second cross located in Kernville, Texas, which crosses the eclipse of 2023, this coming Monday, and that crosses 77 feet and 7 inches tall.

What are the possibilities? The fact that it went over seven cities, Salem, no, seven cities, Nineveh. If you spell Nineveh backwards, it's in heaven. And right at the cross formation, there's a cross that was built. Years ago, whenever it was built, coincidentally for this moment in time, I want to repeat that the cross that was built that Sheila just describet was by godly design built years ago for this moment in time.

Moment in time as a marker of markers of what's about to go down on this world So this is a beautiful example an absolutely beautiful example of godly design well in Three in seven years Three is miraculous. Seven years miraculous. The first one, God said he was reversing the curse in 2017. We know what happened in 2017.

2018 our embassy in Israel moved to Jerusalem. That reversed a curse in Jerusalem. Then he did the, Abrahamic record and got that signed. I mean all of these things and you can only operate in the right timing with the father if you know all these things. And the three eclipses, the height of that is three ones.

I mean, the threes and sevens are everywhere. You're going to hear other dimensions of completion, fulfillment, just like the three and seven years, completion, fulfillment, perfection, harmony. All of this is all related. The only peace Salem in the Bible and in Israel is Jerusalem. The three letters in the heart of the nine letter Jerusalem is USA.

I mean, there's just so much. There's just so much to this so much to this remember the prophetic word of bob jones, right and After the chiefs win the super bowl, we step into the greatest revival in human history. Well, that was the third Victory that just happened in february. We talked and we I'm, sure many heard my podcast, but it was you know from the three yard line Three seconds remaining.

Number 33 on the other team missed the ball. The guy threw 333 yards, the the three threes of the address of the location. So we're just showing you see all of this. Is showing the world that yes, there's three ways we can look at this and I like this podcast with relation to what Sheila's saying because We know that you know It always says if if you're ever unsure to go back to the word go back to the written word read The word because the the word is the word is the truth Doesn't matter what translation.

Bottom line is, in all the translations, all the translations, Jesus died on the cross and He rose on the third day. He didn't rise on the second day, or the first, He rose on the third day. It rained for 40 days and 40 nights. You see, there's these numbers in the Bible that Are incredible. And so you are bringing up the, the numeric side of it.

Like you're saying from 2017. Well, guess what, it's seven years. You see there's so many numerics. So God speaks through though his word, he speaks through people like Sheila and others who are, you know, we're all prophetic, but some people really have a prophetic anointing, you know, so Sheila's really hearing things.

There's other prophets I hear really. Incredible things as well, too. So God speaks through his word, the prophets, and he speaks through, what? Numbers. Numbers. So go back and listen to what, you know, the height of the cross, three ones, the trinity, right? The super bowl. All the numbers that Sheila's bringing out this the seven year cycles All of these are numerics that show the hand of gods on everything so look before the podcast we're like laughing because There's so many crazy things and horrific things that are being reported and yet we have a lightness, you know We have the joy of the lord upon us.

Why? Because that's all noise because we're living in Biblical times, not political. And if you understand that, that means that don't pay attention to the news because the news is, you know, John 10 10. Kill, steal, destroy. That's evil. Christ comes to give us life more abundantly. So everything you're seeing is scare tactics.

And fear mongering versus the numbers aren't showing you divine perfection continue That's why it's just so so so exciting And then when we come to nineveh, you'll see why he said about the six and about nineveh. That's the last slide I'm, pretty sure number seven And you'll probably want to take a picture of this.

I know it's a lot of information on this one slide Um Um, but when God gave me all of this and matched it all to scripture and told me the background on this, and any of you who already have my books, you know that I spent three and a half years being Jonah. And everybody was sent to me with Jonah stories and I got so sick of hearing about Jonah realizing I was being Jonah And finally I just said, you know what god I i've interviewed enough guys that they should go to promise keepers of men's ministry Because that's what I was resisting a man should go to promise keepers Not sheila home and I was I was in essence an argument with god and that's not a good thing according to scripture and so That's what I was doing.

And he said, well, all those men told me no. And I said, well, how could they do that to you? And he said, well, for the same three and a half years, you've told me no, because I wasn't going to go. And so the years are so important. Everything that Bo just tied up in a beautiful bow is, is how we look at these things, because you can only look at them with the Father and Christ gave us the Holy Spirit.

As our guide and our comforter once he left, because that's why he kept telling the apostles, how long must I be with you before you understand it's all laid out for you. It's all available to you. I'm showing you how to live it. I'm teaching you how to pray to our father as we become joiners with Christ.

He gave us everything and and still 250 years later, which is where we are now in America they all aligned with Constantine to save their own lives. They did not stand with the fathers. So Because I told god I said, you know, let me pause just so constant king is the one he combined You know He created what's called a roman catholic religion because he took rome combined it with the christians to create catholicism And they took all the gods of rome and turned the gods into the saints So these all the images of the gods were literally their gods these fallen angels that they followed they gave them all saint names You This is crazy, but this all happened.

This is all true and Constantine was the orchestrator of all of the, of the meshing and the merging of all of this, he was like one of the key figures at the time that created all this mess of confusion, but it wasn't confusion, it was intentional. Exactly. And you're leading right into what is happening on this particular slide is God said, you've now to explain the net of the lesson to my people and people hear about Jonah and he went and they all came to the Lord.

Everything was great. That's a fairy tale. That's an absolute fairy tale. So what we didn't realize, and it's on the ancient maps, Assyria took the 10 tribes of Israel. They've been called the Lost Tribes ever since, captive in 721 B. C. That was King Shalmaneser. And so he took him. And then I didn't know, because it's not in the scripture, when Jonah was there.

I just know Jonah was there. So I couldn't fill that in yet. God just said just know that all of his resistance against me resulted in him serving a little Bit of whale time and I just I love god because he has such a sense of humor because he serves some whale time I mean, that's a lot more fun than he was swallowed by a whale, you know Because that's like well, how was he swallowed by a whale and how did that happen?

The stuff that I get makes me laugh so much because i'm like the math is so incredible Sometimes the pieces that I get I laugh to myself because there's one else to laugh with The point is because it's so perfect Yes, it's it's just this joy that the joy is unspeakable when you start seeing how divine all of this is, number one, and God has a sense of humor.

Well, and what was so funny, I said, How am I going to find out when Jonah was there? Because it's not in Scripture. God said, It is in Scripture, you just haven't looked it up. And I said, Yes. I read Jonah and it's not in scripture because it's not in Jonah because in the end of the old testament It's it's Jonah then it's Micah then it's Nahum So he said go to Nahum and boom Nahum went a hundred years later and god said he was there It's in scripture 612 bc.

So god said now she looked now if you figure out when Jonah was there I mean you you feel so stupid when god has it all laid out for you And you're you're trying to question and say it's not available and boom. He shows it right to you So when he went a hundred years later, it was a hundred years after Jonah went.

And jonah did deliver the message in 40 days the city's going to be overthrown because you've gone what to paganism and gentile worship And that's exactly what Bowas just describing to you is to what happened to the people under constantine The nicaean council and constantine put us under pagan and gentile worship It doesn't really matter which division or nominate denomination you're in now They all that worship on the venerable day of the sun the holy roman empire The holy roman catholic church, they wore the stolen victus rings the emperors did they worship the sun Which is why his edict was we will all worship on the venerable day of the sun And that's why it's called sunday the days of the week the months of the of the year are all pagan and gentile structure Let me let me pause you let me pause you if I can start to interrupt here just a little little side note So that's why we go over the roman calendar right now.

I've talked about this, but dece is 10 Sept is seven. These are roman gods roman calendar that we Are using this is we're still in rome. They changed the calendars on us Including all the gods It's it's complete utter deception. And that's why you're right That is you're correct about what you're saying because they've created all these religions that are still under the auspices of rome And every single religion see satan would love there to be a thousand religions Because as long as there's a thousand religions, there's not one religion under Christ.

You see, he wants to divide and conquer with as many religions as possible, because the more the merrier, because that's his further separation, and that's how evil operates, it's division, division, division. And so we're seeing all of this, and you're right. The Sabbath is Saturday. These people, who do they worship?

Well, go back to the time of Egypt. Go study all the stuff about Egypt. What do they worship? The sun gods. They worship the sun. And that's why all of this is about the sun. Sun worship, that's why it's sun day. Please continue, Sheila. Yeah, well, that's why the Georgia Guidestones, they had drilled holes for sun worship and nobody knew I said, it's all other kingdom They're like, no, no, no couldn't be but it is it's all sun worship Well, no Jonah went in with the message in 40 days the city will be overthrown and the king was like, whoa I don't wanna be overthrown.

So he made everybody fast He made everybody cry out to God and everyone turned from their evil ways just like in 2nd Chronicles 7 14 and God did relent But that's the only part of the story anyone ever focuses on, and that's not the whole story. The nation of Assyria was saved, and Nineveh is the cap, was the capital of Assyria.

But Nineveh, Assyria was destroyed in 612 BC, a hundred years later. Why? Nahum was sent by the father a hundred years later to go, and guess what? He had to give the word that it's over because they had gone completely into paganism and genital worship, which is kind of where we have gone. And we've compromised a lot more than we ever thought we had compromised because we didn't know the truth.

Current day Nineveh would be Mosul in Iraq. Everything changed and God gave a message if you if you scroll through to the end of Nahum God describet to him and that's why they're called the ten lost tribes to this very day They were called the ten lost tribes because god told the king. He said i've scattered them I've done this i've done that and you will not know where they are You will not be able to find them and that's why they're called the lost tribes But in the center of the 1611 version of the king james bible Bible There was a book called the Apocrypha, and in the Apocrypha, and I, I've received copies of the 1611 Apocrypha, it's almost impossible to read, the type style is like four or five point it's, it's, it's in a very, very tight hardback, it's very hard to really study, but there's a guy named Edgar Goodspeed, and Edgar Goodspeed, I don't think they're printing him anymore, but there's for sale on second hand, and it's about the Apocrypha.

So what they did in 1804, is when they took the Apocrypha out of the 1611 Bible, and the Apocrypha describet how the Lost Tribes went to uninhabited territories. Because all of this land was uninhabited. All of North America, the First Peoples in Canada, or some of the tribes all the way across over to Australia, or some of the tribes, they went to uninhabited lands.

And Father assisted them, and when he lifted up the water, It was dry land and people go, well, how could that happen? I mean, somebody part of the Red Sea, it was dry land. They weren't lodging in mud to get across the Red Sea. They ended up walking on dry land and God did the same thing. And that's why Georgia has been the focus ever since.

And in 1804 is when they removed the Apocrypha from the 1611 Bible. And we didn't understand that over in England, they started the British and Foreign Bible Society, and that's when they started removing things. And 1804 is when they started forcing the Native American Indians, who they knew were the tribes, and they knew how the pilgrims found them, and they had to make some changes so that those people wouldn't be in communication with anyone they sent or know any of this truth.

You're bringing up just some incredible points here. I want to hit a few bullet points that you talked about, you know, you talked about scattering the people, right, when you were referencing that. Where else have we seen the reference of scattering the people when they're, when we've seen an uprising?

Well, specifically, the example I could immediately comes to mind is what happened with the Tower of Babel. What happened to the Tower of Babel? They were building a tower because Nimrod never didn't want to deal with a flood again So he's trying to build a super high tower So no matter what God ever does he's never going to flood the earth there to affect Nimrod And what does God do?

He intervenes, destroys the Tower of Babel and scatters them And basically confuses the language. It's in my books where I give examples. There's a beautiful stone in New Mexico. And people have found them in other states, but I just happened to find out about the one in New Mexico. And in that stone, it's the same size needed for Paleo Hebrew.

And it's the entire Ten Commandments, so they would never forget. And so people have said, Oh, no, Sheila, it's probably somebody just faked it. Try and fake Hebrew, let alone paleo Hebrew, and the whole Ten Commandments and etch it in stone and fill the stone with it. It's unbelievable. But the chiefs of the tribes to this day talk about this Tower of Babel.

And they said, How stupid would it be for men to form a wooden structure. To be as close to the sun as possible to worship the sun but they said that they knew last time it was water with they call him new because God does not say no to his people. It's not no it's new is how they pronounced his name.

And then they said that the next time will be fire But it will be god's plan and not burning something like a tower of babel They get such a kick out of describing this because they've passed it on all these generations the truth about what they witnessed Let's expand on what you just said and let's put some numbers and time on this Okay, so the tower of babel if you do historic studying on this it comes down to the twisting of tongues And where do we see that when the holy spirit came upon the apostles?

All right, so the point I'm trying to make is the Tower of Babel would have fallen on Pentecost because of the tongue twisting. So when is Pentecost in our year coming up here in this, in our lifetime? When is it? When is it? Guess when? This goes back to your Jonah prophecy. 40 days from the election is what?

Pentecost weekend. So you see, none of this is a coincidence. God just reveals things to his servants. He's revealed a whole lot to Sheila. He's revealed pieces to me. We all see through the glass what's called dimly, but revelation is a puzzle. And when you listen to the prophets, the prophetic, and you start listening to what maybe this person's saying, what Sheila's saying, and you start putting pieces together, so go listen to what Sheila said earlier.

It's incredible. God's revealed incredible things, or what she put together, and you gotta just love the magnitude of what God has revealed to Sheila. Then we revealed the calculations on this. It gets Wild because of nimrod. Sorry if the tower of babel via nimrod because nimrod is building the tower of babel fell On pentecost which happens to be related directly to what it's related to exactly Jonah, which you were just referencing sheila so you got the cross formation And incredibly from the august 21st time It's six years six months six weeks and six days to the exact day of when it entered over here to portland's don't be surprised if we see Shaking Because when God moves, we're going to see shaking of the United States.

This is not judgment, okay? It might be judgment to a degree, but I would best use this word as chastisement, because there's a lot of evil that the United States has done. Why have we done the evil? Number one evil would have been what? Killing the Creator's creation with Roe v. Wade, okay? That was the number one horrific thing that we have done.

to God. Now, it's fascinating when you look at all this, you read Jonah 3, 4, it says, in 40 days Nineveh will be destroyed. Well, coincidentally, if you run the math on that, hmm, what a coincidence, 40 days from Jonah is Pentecost weekend, May 18th, 19th. Shielda, did you know that on that day, Mr. President Donald J.

Trump is 77 years, 7 months, 7 weeks, 77 days old, to the exact date? Remember the Benjamin Netanyahu and President Trump. Benjamin Netanyahu was 70 years, seven days, seven months, seven months, seven days old when President Trump was elected in 2016 and on inauguration day, President Trump was 70 years, seven months, seven days old.

And people go, well, then Netanyahu is amazing. And I said, no, God's just pointing out. He's just asking us to look and see and pray because we don't know the character of the man of Netanyahu. We don't know who he really is. Trump has really shown us who he is in these days. It's been amazing. What we're trying to illustrate here is the divine perfection of the numerics of the numbers to show you that there's a divine plan on all of this.

It's not random. So those that are thinking, oh my gosh, like you're saying, the United States is about to be received judgment and destroyed. It's going to be horrific. It's going to be both. It's going to be horrific and historic. That's the best I can describe, because when God intervenes, yes, it's going to be horrific for those who planted what seeds, Sheila?

Evil seeds. But the ones that have been planting the good seeds and good soil, it's going to be the greatest time in human history. You see what I'm saying? So yes, judgment's coming. But not.

See, God's going to make a way. And so like you started this whole thing off with these, we're not going to, God's not going to destroy the United States. I agree with you. Everything Sheila said is 100 percent on target with what I'm hearing. And why? Because of the one word, Sheila, what's the one word that we can use that why God will not destroy or allow the United States to be destroyed.

It starts with a C and the word is covenant. Expand on all that. Well, he he made a covenant with us and we made a covenant with him and we established this nation Our constitution is a covenant unto him and that's why they wanted to rewrite it And I said, you know, they didn't get to rewrite it, but we haven't stood up for it They've been able to do things to us that are that are against it when you mention roe versus wade Everything they've been doing and lying to us Changes us from who we are because we end up agreeing to cooperate with the lies and the major, major lie that, that they continue to perpetuate is what has us in this particular time in our life.

We have cooperated with what they have said, the truth is, and it's not the truth. Roe vs. Wade. Roe wasn't raped, wasn't pregnant. Didn't have an abortion. She got out of a prison term by cooperating with the attorney, Gloria Allred, and she repented and came to Christ after that case before she died. But that's how we ended up there.

One person, one person took prayer out of, out of school. That woman came to Christ before she died. But one person can do that just like under Constantine. They were burning them on stakes at night because we say we have the light of the world in us because we have Christ in us. Okay. So that's what we say.

So they go, Oh, you got light in you? Well, then we'll light you up. So they burned people on the stake at night. And if you don't want to be burned, then you cooperate. And you show up in the church on Sunday, on the venerable day of the sun. And you worship with us. And that's, that's how these things happen.

And we keep doing it. And the pilgrims knew how to ban all of this. They banned this entire structure. The church structure you see today in America came from Europe. Because it had been since Roman times, and they banned it, and it didn't start up again until after the Civil War. But they knew by the time of the Civil War, and we can do this in another in another interview.

I, I compared the Faith Monument, the four pillars on how to raise up a child and the way they should go, which the pilgrims gave us. And the, and the Soldier Monument is what they built at the time of the Civil War. They dedicated it to President Lincoln. They knew what he was doing and what he was for.

And they immediately did the cornerstone right after he was assassinated. And within four years, they had that up. It took a hundred years after George Washington took his inaugural speech in 1789 to 1889 to get that faith monument up. And then they don't call it the faith monument. It's a. National Monument to the Forefathers and you want to take a vacation and go to a cul de sac and see the National Monument to the Forefathers, but that faith monument has so much power in it.

It's absolutely amazing. It's so powerful being with you, Bobecause all of this lines up. God gives you what he gives you. He gives me what he gives me and look at how it all comes together. It is so powerful. Okay. And so tell us a little bit about what we're going to hear here. This is in Hebrew, a complete confirmation of what God has given me.

And 10 peg is also Vav six, but six has so many different meanings. Each one does. That's what gives us a fourth and fifth dimension that our president and the team are working in is because they understand the dimensions like boat understands the numbers a lot better than I do. And they understand the numbers, and the meanings, and the, and the differentials between the different summaries and definitions, and, and you'll see how he gives the first, second, and third dimensions easily, and then describes the fourth and fifth dimension.

Alright, here we go. Where do we get the word alphabet from? That's easy, right? The Greek alphabet. Alphabet. Alphabeta. But, where did the Greeks get their alphabet from? Hebrew. Yeah, the language of the God of the Bible. In Hebrew, the first two letters are alephbet, which is where the Greeks got alphabeta from.

And the Hebrew language is so cool. It's potentially 3, 500 years old. And it's such a brilliant use of language. From people that long ago? In English, everything is phonetic, right? Cat. Cuh. At. That's it. No other meanings. But Hebrew works in at least three dimensions. Maybe four, maybe even more. Watch this.

The first dimension. It is phonetic, just like English. But in Hebrew, the letters are also pictures. They're pictographic. An example, the sixth letter of the Hebrew alphabet is the letter Vav. Vav stands for nail or post. Like a tent peg. Third dimension. Each letter has a numerical value. A, Aleph is 1, B, Bet is 2.

So the numbers, in addition to being pictures and having a phonetic sound, a lot of times they add up to equal something relative to the word it's constructing. Take the Hebrew word for father. Av, Aleph, Bet. 1, 2, equals 3. Hebrew word for mother. Aym, Aleph, Mem, 1, 40, equals 41. Sum of 3 and 41. 44. Hebrew word for child, alright?

Mother, father, child. Yelad. That's 10, 30, and 4. 44. The fourth dimension, the way that the letters are arranged, have a meaning. Which is what we're going to cover today with the Hebrew word for truth. Anet. This is so cool. It's so cool. Okay. Emet is the word for truth. And it is three letters. Aleph. Mem. Tav.

Aleph, which is the first letter and the number one, represents God. The pictograph is an ox head. It is the authority or the strength. So Aleph is the oneness of God. The first, the source, the father. The second letter, Mem, means water. Water, which is vital to life. You have to drink water or you will die. If you get dirty, how do you get clean?

Water. If you're wounded, you rinse it with water. Running water. John chapter 4, verse 10. Jesus answered her. If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water. And if you stop drinking water, you will die. If you refuse to drink of the water that Jesus provided, The third letter of Emet is Tav.

Tav is the final letter of the Hebrew alphabet. So in English, we have Z. In Hebrew, they have Tav. It is the final letter. It is the completion. It also means a mark, a sign, an omen, or seal. It is the symbol of truth, perfection, and completion. It represents the restoration of all of existence. Jesus is the Tav.

He is the final letter, which represents a covenant, a seal, a mark, and completion, perfection, restoration. And the pictograph for the letter Tav is a door. John chapter 10 verse 9. I am the door. And the Tav. By me if any man enter in he shall be saved. And it gets better. In Proto Hebrew, Ancient Hebrew, the letter Tav was an X, a mark.

An X or a cross. And then the cross changed to a door. It was the idea of salvation that Jesus would give us salvation on the cross. And by doing so he became the door. A message echoed by the Passover prophecy, where the blood of the Lamb over the doorway to your house caused death to pass over. The blood painted over the door in the shape of the letter Tav.

Final level, and this is where it all comes together. The Hebrew word for truth is Emet, Aleph Mem Tav. The Hebrew word for dead is Tav. Ismet, mem, tav. The only difference between these two words is the aleph, the presence of God. With the presence of God, we have truth and life. Remove God, we only have death.

Dead is defined as deprived of life. Dead is the lack of life. And we have life because He lives people want to know where life came from God The aleph he created life with him. We have life And truth and without him there is no truth and there is no life Amazing summary I just, I couldn't believe it when I sat and watched it, Beau.

I just, it's like, it's all there. And all the dimensions are there. We have a covenant with God the Father. The Founding Fathers founded this nation under God. All men are created equal. Evil wants to divide and conquer, but all men are created equal. It's written. And so the covenant is key here. Because we have a covenant with God, God will do what if we turn from our wicked ways?

If we have a covenant with a founding, with a father, the founding fathers can be gone. God is a God of today, yesterday, and tomorrow. The covenant is key here and critical. Because of the covenant that a founding father is made, and because we just fulfilled 2 Chronicles last year in 20 or 22 with the overturning of Roe v.

Wade. You see, that was the reason we were in this mess and the reason why God is going to now fulfill the covenant. Second Chronicle states, if my children who are called by my name humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, particularly the worst thing a nation could do is kill the creator's creation, abortion.

It's an if. If, then statement. If you've listened to my podcast, these are if, then statements that are written in the Bible. This is a critical line in the Bible because God gives us what we need to do. It's an if. But if all those things are fulfilled, the then part is by the creator of all things. And what is that second line after the comma?

Then we will hear from heaven. God will forgive our sins. And do what? Heal our land. Now when will He heal our land? That's written in Leviticus. Leviticus tells us God will heal our land in the 50th year because we are to proclaim liberty throughout the land. See the word land again? We are to proclaim liberty throughout the land.

We are to proclaim liberty throughout the land and to all of its inhabitants. No, sorry, Leviticus states, thou shall consecrate the fiftieth year and proclaim liberty throughout the land and to all of its inhabitants. So, 2 Chronicles says that if then, if we, if we've now Because God is with us, who can stand against us.

So 2 Chronicles tells us that God will heal our land. Leviticus tells us it'll be in the 50th year. Well, if we do the math, Roe v. Wade was overturned in 22, year 2022. But this is a key which you will love to know. Sheila, God last week gave me the revelation of a 14 year old prophecy of Kim Clement, which is going to tie into our conversation here.

The prophecy was very specific. 14 years ago, Kim Clement referenced the date January 21. And I was like, what does that mean, January 21? What year? And this goes back to the restoration of the land and the covenant. Okay. So Roe v. Wade became law January 22nd. Look at, listen closely, everybody. The dates are January 22nd, 73, which means 50 years would be January 22nd, 2023.

Are you with me? So that means that was a 50th year. Now, when would the 50th year end? On the last day before the 22nd, because the 22nd of this year, January 22nd, 2024, officially started year 20, year 51, right? So the last possible day of the 50th year, because when does God show up? The last possible minute, the last possible day for Roe v.

Wade 50 year Leviticus cycle would be what? January 21, 2024. So Kim Clement's prophecy is fantastically interesting because let's listen to what he literally, what he stated. And this was a revelation of what's supposed to happen 70 days. to 100 days from January 21 of this year. So let's listen to this prophecy and then I'm not sure if you heard this Sheila, because I want to get your reaction because when I play this to Dundane Clement, his daughter, she freaked out.

So let's enjoy this video here. I saw a python and God said, Between the 70 and a hundred days, it shall begin the strangulation and the destruction of this will begin. And it is going crazy. It is manifesting throughout America because it is dying. Now you may not understand spiritual warfare and Diablo and Satan, Satan and demons and darkness, but it waits for an attraction.

It waits for an invitation. And as I've said, there's been great division. But also it was spoken of that beginning January 21st, there would be a period of between 70 and a hundred days. The spirit of Pythos will be destroyed. If the people act accordingly, this spirit is doing its utmost to destroy as many States as possible, make its mark.

It'll be leaving. And we'll show that to you today. I wore this purposefully. Thank you. It's the gold. And I'll explain that in a few minutes because he spoke to me about watching the gold as a sign. So 70 to 100 days, this is awesome. The 70th day specifically referenced in that prophecy was this past Sunday.

What was this past Sunday? Resurrection Sunday. So Resurrection Sunday was day 70. The 100th day is this coming last day of the month, April 30th, the very last moment or time point of Passover. So the spirit of Pythos is destroyed between Resurrection Sunday and the last day of Passover. And what's this coming Monday?

Hmm, the eclipse. The Eclipse. If you understand biblical Hebrew time, the day after the Eclipse starts the new Jewish year, day one. That is why everybody's freaking out right now who know the calendar. The Hebrew calendar starts the year 2024 on Tuesday. April 9th. If you run the days forward, you so you count that that's Exodus 12 to its exodus 12, three says on the 10th day, you select your lamb, you slaughter your lamb on the third day, which would be Passover.

And to the fourth day, you slaughter your lamb Passover, the angel of death shows up that night, and on the 15 Nisan, Israel is freed from the grips of Pharaoh. What did Kent Kim Clement just say? The spirit of Pythos will be destroyed. Between the 70th and the 100th day and you have a very interesting slide I'm going to put up in a second because I've known about this for six months and you just Expanded upon what I knew because I've known forever that this date of April 21 Sunday Is four two one and then one two four forwards and backwards and this is only happens every hundred years So we've got it going down this particular Weekend of passover literally the day before passover so All of that said, what this is saying, what did Clemence say?

Watch, it was on his wrists. Look, we're in gold as a sign. Sheila, what happened when Israel left Egypt? They plundered it. They took the gold and silver. You want to talk biblical price action and movement of gold and silver where it becomes unobtainium silver this month? It's going to happen. Don't watch what's about to go down because the pharaohs of this world are about the darkness.

The pharaohs of this world are about to meet. Their creator God. So everything you've said is right on because this is not judgment for the United States. We're going to get chastised. We're gonna go some dark and scary times. But at the end of this, this turns into the greatest revival the world has ever seen, which will fulfill the Bob Jones prophecy and all the threes and all the numerics that Sheila and I've been talking about.

Now, I want to take this one level further because. What we need to understand is the further math, which I think you'll enjoy, Sheila, because when you read Exodus, before the angel of death showed up at Passover, you know what happened a couple weeks before that? Darkness, huh? Ninth plague was darkness.

What a coincidence And the 10th plague was the angel of death the day after the angel of death It took 16 days to get to the red sea for israel. They camped for eight days on the 25th day The 25th day they crossed and god closed the red sea on pharaoh and his army and they were destroyed What a coincidence that that just happens to be You The Tower of Babel Pentecost weekend.

May 18th through the 19th. Sheila. Yep. You can't make this stuff up. No, no. God is so exact and so precise and everything that he does. If you can bring up that one slide, this is so amazing. I'm so glad that I shared that with you today. Look at this slide and remember the last thing to be fair. What did we say?

Please pause for a second and listen to what we said. And listen to the prophetic word of Kim Clement of 14 years ago. The spirit of Pythos will be destroyed between the 70th and the 100th day. The 100th day finishes this sequence. There's another miracle about this and I haven't even had a chance to tell you because I haven't seen you in a few weeks And i'm working on this 45 point book They have a 45 point plan to destroy every nation and they've now done it to us And so I told god I would do a book I said i'll do it father and i'll add scriptures and i'll explain how we compromised and I can do that Well, he decided he wanted to be a training man Then he decided I have to research it backwards starting with 45.

I said we, I had the whole book all lined up. I'm, I'm going to be researching it from the back end. And, and so I'm doing all of that. And then he said, Oh, and Sheila, you have to write it backwards so they can read it forward. And I was working with one of those saving on some of this and I I got I called him and I said you're not going to believe this now god has me flipping the whole book because what he's telling me is i'm going to have to write it backwards and before I could say anything else that god said that i've just shared once it of course you have to do that they've done everything to us backwards everything about the economy is backwards everything about their financial structure is backwards everything they told us we're not creating credit we're creating debt we're not everything they do to us is backwards I said, well, that's what God said.

He said, you mean you're calling me to verify God instead of going to God to verify what I say? And I said, but he told me the exact same thing. He says, so Sheila, it's true. You have to write it backwards for them to read it forwards. How powerful is it on that little pink piece of paper that it's the 10 days that you just spoke about to the 30th of April.

It has all the days of Passover in it. And no matter whether you read these there's can be no mistake that god's in charge of all of this because whether you read those dates forwards or read them backwards and everything they've done to our dates and taking 10 days out and Changing our months and changing our days of the week They've changed everything to keep us out of rhythm with the father out of the seasons of our life with the father in a hundred years This would not happen again and god is doing it exactly in those 10 days Where no matter whether you read the calendar forwards or you read it backwards to read it forwards No matter what you do.

Those dates are exactly the same. God uses all things for his glory So he'll even use their calendar against them and look at how he orchestrated all of this This is this the math of this conversation and more the numerics of the conversation is literally illustrating God's divine You Power his his his his divinity of just how incredible everything is just in our everything is in our world None of it's random and everything is by design The only thing that's not by design And that's why evil's on this world You see, it was because of what happened at the garden.

It's because of evil. People say, why is evil on this world? Why would God want evil? You see, and this is a very simple answer because God loves you. But what is love? It's choice. It's freedom to choose So god put evil on this world evil. He evils here. Why because You have two choices You can either be with him with jesus with god or against him because sitting on the fence Is a thing of we're about to find out the thing of the past.

Okay so there is once god starts shaking this world because The eclipse is marking a shaking point. It's going to mark the shaking of the United States He's going to shake people awake people are going to lose their finances people are going to lose Massive amounts of wealth because it's wealth transfer people are going to lose monies like they can't even comprehend It's going to be one of the most horrific things financially Starting this month that we've ever witnessed why because the third seal is the greatest financial event in human history But you got to understand that the reason for it Because, you see, when one loses everything, you either, this is the point about sitting on the fence, when you lose everything, you're not going to sit on that fence.

You're either going to curse God or find God.

The only option. The only option. We are we are at that point. That's why this is stretched out longer, so people could see how evil evil is, because people didn't realize it. How many of us thought all of our family members thought the same thing we did, spoke the same things we did, they were just like us?

How many of you thought that your neighbors were just like you? How many of you thought the people representing you were just like you? They all sounded like you. They all seemed to be like you. We found out they weren't. What is it? I thought it was 80, 85%, but somebody said recently, it's 90 percent of the people in our Congress are dual citizens with Israel.

You and I want to be Americans. We represent America. So why would they be dual citizens and, and be the people representing us in our government? So we have not known what these people are up to. We have not known what it is that they're doing, but what we do know is We know the one who's in charge of all of it.

They say people people say that God controls everything. He doesn't control you. Satan will control you. If you don't do what he wants you to do, he's done with you. But God does not control you and people get, well, I have free will. I can do anything I want. Yes, you can. But it's just like Jeremiah 10 about the Christmas tree.

Go ahead and read down after don't, don't balance it and make it like it can stand on its own. Don't do these things. And then there's another line in the scripture. You may not think you're being, you're doing evil, but you're not doing any good either. And if we're lukewarm, he spits us out. I mean everything in scripture is true and he's never left us never forsaken us He's never withdrawn his hand.

He's never pulled back the holy spirit. We've had all the advantages Yet did we fight with him and stay with him and lead people to him? Or did we choose to operate with the other kingdom? I only you know, and that's what repentance is all about That's why this is such a key time in all of history in all of history that all this is lining up And no mistake that he did those seven cities of Salem, peace, because the representation and our communication was, peace be with you.

And then, Beau, if you would answer, peace also be unto you, then I would know you're a believer, and we don't even communicate that way anymore. We just think we're all the same. We think we all think the same. We think we all want each other to have a nice life. That's not true. Yeah. And what's the key word when you, when you use the body, we say hell.

Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yep. That's it. And he said, Whoa, that was his word. Whoa, when he got that whip out and formed that whip, whoa was his, was his caution. Sheila Thank you again, and God bless you. Hi, this is BoPolny and after thousands of requests This is my official announcement This is a heads up and a first glimpse of what I have been working on I had been working on a book.

This book is a prophetic understanding of God's perfect timing From creation to his return. It's going to be explosive. This is the first book I've ever written. And it will explain and illustrate with beautiful, full color graphics of God's timing of events into the end of the age. The end of days.

After reading it, you'll want to keep this beautiful book on your coffee table and share it with all of your friends and family. I'm telling you, it is amazing and you're going to love it. This book is going to open your eyes to the present day events and how they are occurring with mathematical perfection.

As they directly fulfill events prophesied in Revelation over 2, 000 years ago. God speaks through His Word. We know that. He also speaks through His servants, the prophets. And yes, He does speak through numbers. If you want to see how truly perfect His timing is, and the specific calculations He has revealed to me about our future into the end of the age, this book has all the incredible details.

Are you ready to see the cover and a glimpse of inside images? Here you go!

I doubt there's a book anywhere in the world like this one. It illustrates God's perfect timing from creation to the book of Revelation, including the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, the Seven Seals of Revelation, the Great American Eclipses, the coming Great Egyptian Eclipses, The coming aliens, yes we talk about aliens, the rise of antichrist and the mark of the beast, the coming rapture, and all the way to the likely timing of Christ's return, and much, much more.

The mathematical calculations are beyond any human probabilities, clearly illustrating the end of days was written from the beginning by the hand of God. This book has a lot of surprises and will open your eyes as to how truly great our God is. I believe it's going to blow your mind and get you excited and prepared for the times ahead.

It'll change the way you look at recent events in the world. It'll give you the power and understanding of how long we really have into the end of days and how all things are working together for good. That's why after reading this book, you're going to begin to see how Revelation, like the Bible, is actually the good news, as all things are manifesting in His perfect timing.

So how can you be the first to get your very own copy? Well, there's a link below this video. You can be the first to pre order it and get it as soon as it comes out in April. And if you're one of the first 300 people to pre order this book, you can receive a 30 percent discount by simply entering the code 777 at checkout.

There's also a link for pre orders on our website. So be sure to use that discount code. And yes, the book will be available on Amazon. However, no discount will be there. This is Bo Pony. I love you. Jesus loves you. And I know you will love this book. Thank you so much and God bless.


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👉LEGAL & DISCLAIMER: The above represents the opinion and analysis of Mr. Bo Polny, based on data available to him, at the time of writing. Mr. Bo Polny's opinions are his own, and are not a recommendation or an offer to buy or sell securities, commodities and/or cryptocurrencies. Mr. Bo Polny is an independent analyst who receives no compensation of any kind from any groups, individuals or corporations. As trading and investing in any financial markets may involve serious risk of loss, Mr. Bo Polny recommends that you consult with a qualified investment advisor, one licensed by appropriate regulatory agencies in your legal jurisdiction and do your own due diligence and research when making any kind of a transaction with financial ramifications. Although an experienced analyst, Mr. Bo Polny is not a Registered Securities Advisor. Therefore Mr. Bo Polny’s opinions on the markets, stocks and commodities are his own and cannot be construed as a solicitation to buy and sell securities, commodities and/or cryptocurrencies.

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