Florida Cut Leaf Evening Primrose Wildflower Identified

11 months ago

#Spring #Gardening, Evening Primrose Wildflower Weed is native to Eastern US but found in many other areas. It can be used as ground cover, or grown in pots to attract bees and other pollinators. It usually grows low to the ground (a few inches) but can reach 24. Blooms open during nights, and into sunrise; some flowers close as soon as bright sunshine hits them. They can grow in sun or part shade and bloom from Feb thru Oct in my Zone 9a-9b. When a yellow bloom is done, it’ll turn a peachy color, and then the petal’s texture looks similar to hibiscus but smaller, about the size of a US quarter at first bloom. Other color variations can occur in similar species. This is a cousin to medicinal Primrose.

The yard is greener during the day and into the night, then by morning, the yard is covered with yellow blooms. Like magic! I read that rose food can be fed to primrose, but I don’t fertilize them or go out of my way to give them water. They survive in sandy soil, with rain, pollinators, cut and drop or weed eater cuttings from various wild flowers in the yard. This plant’s life cycle is biennial, mostly two seasons. First season produces green leaves in a rosette like, cluster burst. Then second season, it’ll bloom, produce fruit, and provide seeds. They can be a pain if you don’t want them. You’d have to pull them up while young or the roots will be difficult to pull out without breaking, and leaving some behind. I removed them all by hand, last season and occasionally for six seasons prior, then last season, I decided to let them be. I also let a few other wild flowers and weeds be.

Photos were taken on 3/27/2024 in the AM, in NW FL.
Then later after lunch, I manage to get a little video in while it was less windy and noisy.

I made this video before I hurt my arm, getting better, just takes time.

More info on this Primrose Flower: https://plants.usda.gov/home/plantProfile?symbol=oela

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