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First name; middle; last name c/o Address
Town, province
Canada [000 000]

April 7, 2024 – (Find the Individuals in your local Municipality as show below)

Dennis Buchanan and
Mayor CEO
The Corporation of the Village of Alert Bay

Lyle McNish and
Chief Accounting Officer
The Corporation of the Village of Alert Bay

Connie Larson and
The Corporation of the Village of Alert Bay

Dave Leslie and
The Corporation of the Village of Alert Bay
Eric Bergsma Island Health

Village of Alert Bay Council (The Council) (Collectively “You”) 15 Maple Road, Bag Service 2800
Alert Bay British Columbia, Canada.

Within the universal maxim of law “notice to agent shall be notice to principle and notice to principle shall be notice to agent” Time sensitive document, estoppel conditions apply upon default. All addressed parties Jointly and Severally and applicable to all Successors Nominees and/ or assigns


Re: “Bylaw notice 712 and Bylaw notice799, Property located at Lot 0, VIP 00000, Corner of Larch and Willow.

Dear Dennis, Lyle, Connie, Dave and Eric,

We received your signed correspondence letter requesting certain actions be taken by me to remedy alleged offences against certain bylaws.

For the record we do NOT consent to conducting business with “you” nor do we consent to all the offences you commit against us, which include but are not limited to, fraud, extortion, trespass, oppression, slavery, breach of our peace, threats with menace, personating a council, stalking, genocide, acts of terrorism and treason. You are collectively commanded to leave us alone.

Your directions in your communications have been given much due consideration and appear to imply certain obligations and liabilities against my Estate.

We will comply with all your demand upon first receiving validation and evidence of your claim to authority, jurisdiction, status, and standing over us and deliver to us by 5pm on the 25th of April 2024 your sworn and affirmed evidence of the following;

1. An opportunity to examine the original completed bona fide wet ink signature document that evidences a contract between the Corporation of the Village of Alert Bay (CVOAB) and its Council (“the council”), or any of its employees or agents, and us, disclosing that we consented to transfer our inherent rights to the council thereby subverting our authority to it or any law, bylaw, statute, act or code, and

2. An opportunity to examine the original completed bona fide wet ink signature document that evidences a contract between the Corporation of the Village of Alert Bay (CVOAB) and its Council (“the council”), or any of its employees or agents, and us, disclosing that we consented to comply with, or are compelled to comply with all directions of the council and/or its employees or agents without first attaining our consent and we hereby notice you;

a) We do not consent to doing business with you, and

b) We do not consent to waiving our rights, and

c) We deny any express, implied or hidden agreements or contracts to conduct business with the council or its employees or agents, and

3. The source of your claimed authority or jurisdiction to stick your nose into our private affairs or our private business, other than the Local Government Acts or any other Act, Statute, Code, or legislation, none of which applies to a man or woman, and
4. That an Act Statute, Code, or legislation applies to a man or a woman
5. That the man answering to first; middle; last name is not a living man, and
6. The source of your claimed authority or jurisdiction over us, the living being addressed by the name first; middle; last name
7. The source of your claimed authority over our property title, evidence of your name as owner/co-owner or purchaser/co-purchaser of the above disclosed property in the Bill of Sale or title deed, Certificate of Title, and
8. That the Planning Act applies to men and women, and
9. That the Planning Act effects or applies, effect or overrides our Title rights, as expressed in our Certificate of title and,
10. Evidence that establishes my Fee Simple Title is no longer in force or effect in British Columbia and precisely how such a scenario arose without first attaining our consent to waive said Title, and we Notice you that we do NOT waive our Fee Simple Title rights, as expressed in our Certificate of Title held in Fee Simple, that protect our EXCLUSIVE rights to use and possession of our property, and
11. A certified copy of the document that establishes the council or any of its employees or agents have an interest in our real estate property, and
12. An opportunity to examine the document that establishes the Local Government Act attained Royal Assent or Letters Patent, and
13. That the Local Government Act, even if it had attained Royal Assent or Letters Patent, applies to a man or a woman, and

14. That any Act can override an agreement or contract, and
15. That fee Simple is not an agreement, and
16. That the Local Government Act applies to or overrides Fee Simple rights held in Fee Simple Title, and
17. A certified copy of the document, statute, act or code that establishes the Council is NOT a foreign and illegal entity within the country, territory called “Canada”, and
18. That fee Simple rights are not currently in force and effect within the Province known as British Columbia, and
19. A certified copy of the document, statute, act or code the council relies on for its authority or any other statutory authorities authority and jurisdiction to remove Fee Simple rights from any title WITHOUT the expressed consent of the owner of the property, and
20. That we are subject to your Bylaws and when and how this position of bondage arose
21. That you, by your actions to force your business upon us without our consent, is not an offence of oppression, breach of the peace, threats, threats with menace, piracy and assault against us as well as against the rule of law in Canada, and
22. That the Council was properly appointed by a De Jure Government and is not a corporation operating for profit for the benefit of shareholders rather than for the people it preys upon, and
23. That we do not retain EXCLUSIVE rights to the use and possession of our property, buildings, recreational vehicles, sheds, barns, or any other such possession as we see fit and without interference or intervention from ANY third party pirates such as yourselves.

Naturally you are not compelled to deliver to us the above further and better particulars by way of sworn or affirmed affidavit, despite our demands you do so in order that you can verify and establish your claim of jurisdiction or authority over us, however, your failure, refusal, neglect and default in doing so will be taken as your assent, agreement, and admission that you;
a) ACKNOWLEDGE you have no valid or legal claim against us, nor authority or jurisdiction to direct, demand, coerce, solicit, or threaten us to perform or comply in any manner, shape or form to your directions, orders, or requests without either our prior written consent expressing our desire or intent to conduct business with you or to subrogate our rights, status or standing to your authority or jurisdiction, and

b) ACKNOWLEDGE an immediate equitable estoppel is invoked whereby you agree to have waived your right to pursue your claim(s) against my estate in perpetuity, and the claims to any offences committed, alleged or otherwise, are withdrawn immediately and in perpetuity, and

c) ACCEPT immediately, jointly and severally, personal liability for all damages you cause us should you elect to pursue your vexatious and unsubstantiated claim against my estate, and

d) ACCEPT immediately, jointly, and severally, the liability of four times the amount of what you attempt to solicit and recover from us falsely and pay us in Canadian Dollars by Bank certified cheque in the name of “first; middle; last name” the amount disclosed on our invoice's an award amount for damages against our estate within 21 days of receiving our invoice should you elect to pursue your unsubstantiated claim against our estate, and

e) ACCEPT and agree to immediately deliver to us all details of your indemnity insurer(s) and your indemnity insurance numbers should you elect to pursue your unsubstantiated claims against my estate, and

f) AGREE to appear before any proceeding to answer as our witness in any cross examination to your failure, refusal or neglect to provide the further and better particulars that we sought in order to privately and peaceably settle the matter, and finally you,

g) AGREE to accept liability personally on a jointly and severally basis for your unsubstantiated claims, should you fail in your attempt to prosecute them, for all damages and costs you cause our commercial estate.


Should you elect to proceed against us without answering this notice with the further and better particulars sought by us, we direct you to show cause within 14 days of the date of this Notice why we should not;

1. Make formal complaint in writing by way of Notice to the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada in regards to your threats with menace, breach of our peace, piracy, solicitation and harassment, and
2. Make formal complaint in writing by way of Notice to your indemnity insurer, and
3. Make formal complaint in writing by way of Notice to the office of the Minister for Local Government, and
4. Bill you for our time in answering your unsubstantiated solicitations.

What you need to do

You need to deliver to us;

1. the above particulars by 5 pm close of business day on the 25th of April 2024
2. provide me with a “Notice of Discontinuance” of this matter, including the Show Cause Notice by 5 pm close of business day on the 25th of April 2024.

You are NOTICED that we do not consent to the matter proceeding. This and any further future notice(s), if required, WILL be used in EVIDENCE AGAINST YOU.

Take Notice, if we ever hear from you or any employees or agent of the Council again without you first delivering all evidence as disclosed and directed above, we will proceed immediately against you at your cost for our award for damages without further notice to you.

I don’t know who you people think you are trespassing our peace, privacy and property. What we, me, I, myself, or anyone does on my/our property is not the business of anyone.

Take Notice, should this matter proceed, it will proceed at your cost.

Take Notice, we do not consent to trespass on/against/of our estate/property and any trespasser(s) including but not limited to you, will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

If you don’t like our Notice take me/us to court so our remedy and relief can be attained, by having your claim thrown out of court sine die.
We reserve our rights at all times and will pursue costs on an indemnity basis should the matter proceed.
You have been NOTICED.

Best Regards By:
First; middle of the family Last name
Without malice, frivolity or ill will All Rights Reserved
Complete the following of the Mayor, CAO, and all councilors
Dennis Buchanan

Name of indemnity insurer:
Contact #
Policy #
Home Address Home Address #2 Vehicle: Bank account Details: Deposit Amount: Other:

Lyle McNish

Name of indemnity insurer:
Contact #
Policy #
Home Address Home Address #2 Vehicle: Bank account Details: Deposit Amount: Other:

David Leslie

Name of indemnity insurer:
Contact #
Policy #
Home Address Home Address #2 Vehicle: Bank account Details: Deposit Amount: Other:

Connie Larson
Name of indemnity insurer:
Contact #
Policy #
Home Address Home Address #2 Vehicle: Bank account Details: Deposit Amount: Other:

Eric Bergsma

Name of indemnity insurer:
Contact #
Policy #
Home Address Home Address #2 Vehicle: Bank account Details: Deposit Amount: Other:

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