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                                           Getting out of Assimilation  


              8 PM UK - 9 PM SE - MID-DAY PACIFIC - 2 PM CENTRAL - 3 PM EASTERN

What is Really going on with this ‘Re-al’- ity ?
Who, is targeting Individuals and why ?
How do we get out of the Assimilation ‘matrix’ ?
Knowledge is Power ..
And Gnosis is the key to unlocking the true creator within us all

Karleen has been unpeeling and breaking the reality apart to enable organic Soul Freedom, since a child to assist in your claim of authority and inner sovereignty as a being and to aid in enabling you to come home to yourself.

She is neuro-divergent with Autism and ADHD so can think out of the boxes most don’t see. She has been a heavily targeted individual and is willing to go up against every false narrative out there to discover the truth, whether it is comfortable or not and however it may look on the outside, she walks through the experience so her inner standing is based on first- hand knowledge not theory.

She offers individual sessions and courses that are not healing in a conventional sense, but guidance back to yourself under the premise that as a sovereign soul connected to the primordial essence of creation you already know everything there is to know about you.

They are designed to allow space for you to find your own answers and give you tools and techniques to assist self-inquiry and self-healing enabling you to come to new understandings of your individuated expression as a being and take your power back from the simulation matrix.

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