#疫苗灾难:20240323 保罗·托马斯博士:被控制的机构、医学院的腐败、儿童免疫接种和制药行业——这些事情有什么共同点?《儿科视角》是两位医生提供现代医学实践的第一手观察

11 months ago

#疫苗灾难:20240323 保罗·托马斯博士:被控制的机构、医学院的腐败、儿童免疫接种和制药行业——这些事情有什么共同点?《儿科视角》是两位医生提供现代医学实践的第一手观察,包括对慢性疾病和疾病根源的见解。(中英双语机器字幕)

Dr. Paul Thomas:Captured agencies, medical school corruption, childhood immunization and the pharmaceutical industry — What do these things have in common? Today’s ‘Pediatric Perspectives’ is a discussion between two doctors who provide first-hand observations about the practice of medicine in our modern age, including insights into the root of chronic illness and disease.

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