"A Baby Boy Makes A Sour Face as He Eats A Lemon"

6 years ago

"Do you remember the first time you have ever tasted a lemon? Unfortunately, I don’t, but I bet that I looked just like a little kid in this video! And I’m pretty sure that you did too, but if you doubt that, check out this clip and refresh your memory! This video shows the sweetest tot boy who is sitting at the table with his family at some restaurant and a woman offers him a piece of lemon which he gladly takes. But as soon as he bites it, he makes the funniest sour face ever! It’s so hilarious that you don’t want to miss it! But what makes this video a total hit is the fact that he is not giving up on eating this lemon wedge! He actually likes it! Just look how he keeps going for it, but a new silly sour face follows each and every bite that he takes!"

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